Sucking Up to Business is a Certain Path to Ecological Collapse

If you incentivize a system to cause harm... then don’t be surprised when it causes harm.

Brad Zarnett
The Sustainability X® Magazine


If you incentivize a system to cause harm….then don’t be surprised when it causes harm.



In a recent conversation with a fellow sustainability strategist it was suggested that the efforts of sustainability and CSR professionals, while not perfect, are based on good intentions. That got me thinking. Are good intentions enough? What if those intentions are constrained from within a corporate culture that uses a self-serving interpretation of climate science to protect a lucrative but ecologically destructive business model? From within that type of culture how can the good intentions of a dedicated sustainability professional possibly emerge?

What are they to do?

What’s the responsibility of a sustainability professional who knows that their employer (or client) is using their wealth and corporate influence to mislead the public with an alternate environmental reality — one that…



Brad Zarnett
The Sustainability X® Magazine

I expose the climate fiction that’s peddled as the truth, and I work everyday to find a way to prevent the worst of climate change.