2024 Successes
The Holiday Season is a time to both celebrate the past (and contemplate the future).
It’s about celebrating the season’s excellence!
This author is celebrating 2024's successes.
Each of these successes came with corresponding challenges but also significant rewards.
Some of these successes came through our/this author’s work.
Other successes came through this author’s work as a Mason (and it is work), including as the Worshipful Master of Border Cities Lodge №554.
Some of these successes came through this author’s personal life.
Some of these successes came through this author’s position as it relates to our Masonic home…the Windsor Masonic Temple.
Some of these successes came through the hard work of others (and all came through the hard work of dedicated teams).
All of these successes are worthy of celebration.
January 19th and January 20th, 2024
2024 started with two truly amazing and successful days, which took place in our masonic home (the Windsor Masonic Temple).
We discussed these two special days on Medium-you can find what we wrote below:
- January 19th, 2024 and January 20th, 2024 were special days at the Windsor Masonic Temple, and Square & Compass Promotions was honoured to be in attendance.
- January 19th, 2024 and January 20th, 2024 were the result of a great deal of hard-work by many people; including both members of the Windsor Masonic Temple and the community at-large.
- On January 19th, 2024 Windsor Lodge №403 celebrated its 140th Installation.
- It was an amazing Installation. In fact, it was an amazing ENTIRE night, including the banquet before, the entertainment during (four singers/musicians), and the refreshment after.
- During the night, Windsor Lodge №403 showed both why it is a special lodge, but also why Windsor/Essex is a special place and why the Windsor Masonic Temple is a special building.
- Check Instagram for more from January 19th!
- On January 20th, 2024 the Windsor Masonic Temple held a public unveiling; unveiling all of the amazing restorative work done on the Temple while also celebrating its 102nd anniversary and its importance to Windsor/Essex’s (and Detroit’s) historical, architectural, and social fabric.
- The unveiling included multiple dignitaries, presentations, press, and artistic performances; also English, French, and interpretive services, as well as EMS on-site.
- The entire region was part of the unveiling, including all levels of governance, local First Nations, Masonic leadership, artists, musicians, authors, and poets!
- The unveiling included two musical performances by local musicians as well as a specially composed poem by local poet Maria Matuscak. The dancers who were scheduled to perform had to cancel at the last-minute, but we did make sure to promote dancing at the Temple. The unveiling also included paintings, by two local artists, displayed throughout the Temple (the artists were invited).
- The entire region was part of the unveiling, including all levels of governance, local First Nations, Masonic leadership, artists, musicians, authors, painters, and poets! We were honoured to have in attendance representatives of/from Heritage Canada.
- The International Order of Rainbow For Girls Fort Assembly provided amazing food and refreshments.
- The contractors who are completing restorative work provided information about that work and its value for the building.
- Local vendors set-up shops showcasing the quality of local products and services (including Masonic products). We understand sales were great!
- Visitors from across Ontario and Michigan took part in the unveiling.
- Perhaps the most special (or most fun) part of the unveiling was when the Windsor Spitfires presented M.W. Bro. Thomas W. Hogeboom Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario with a custom Spitfire Jersey (the number assigned, “22,” is to honour both the Windsor Masonic Temple’s opening year-1922-and the year -2022- the M.W. Bro. was elected).
- Check Instagram for more from January 20th!
- This event was special for a number of reasons, not the least of which being the support the whole region showed for the Windsor Masonic Temple and the way the Windsor Masonic Temple reciprocated that support!
These two days represented, to this author’s understanding, the largest gathering of Freemasons in Ontario outside of the Annual Communication.
The challenges that went into the above days were many….but so to were the rewards.
These rewards include updates at our masonic home: the Windsor Masonic Temple. These updates include a beautifully restored facade with new copper (that shines from blocks away), cleaned limestone, re-pointed bricks, and so much more. These updates are combined with updated security features that ensure a more accessible and secure masonic home. It has been amazing to see these updates and the successes that are connected therein.
Another reward from the above successes is that a greater and greater number of Masonic buildings across Ontario (and beyond) have contacted this author and asked about how the building administration can have similar successes, by completing similar updates (especially around security) and applying for the same funding used by the Windsor Masonic Temple.
Square & Compass Promotions posted/posts content regarding these updates.
Border Cities Lodge №554
Another area of success for this author is Border Cities (Masonic) Lodge №554.
In May 2024, this author had the honour of being installed Worshipful Master of Border Cities Lodge №554 (Border Cities).
Border Cities represents the exclusive daylight lodge in southwest Ontario. In 2024, Border Cities Lodge achieved the following:
- Raised funds to assist the Essex County District Masonic Lodges via the Essex County District Fish Fry;
- Supported the Essex County Masonic District Association;
- Supported the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario;
- Supported the Border Masonic Temple Association and/or the Windsor Masonic Temple;
- Donated to the Windsor Police Association’s “Police Fund,” a fund that provides training and programs to help police officers with various programs, including programs for mental health;
- Purchased books written by V.W. Bro. Gene Lotz, highlighting and supporting the masonic and military history of Essex County District;
- Organised “Coffee with a Cop,” a public event that brought Windsor police officers and community members into the Windsor Masonic Temple, where masons and community members could have a coffee with the Police Officers and discuss any concerns they may have. The police officers in attendance followed the event with a private Windsor Masonic Temple tour and a special presentation;
- Organised “Coffee with a Firecrew,” a public event that brought Windsor Fire and Rescue and community members to the Windsor Masonic Temple, to discuss general fire/emergency safety. The fire and rescue officers in attendance followed the event with a private Windsor Masonic Temple tour;
- Helped keep the Windsor Masonic Temple Coffee Club alive and thriving;
- Held a Windsor Yacht Club luncheon;
- Supported the Windsor Masonic Temple’s “For the Next 100 Years” project, demonstrated community support; and
- An October 2024 Official Visit that included a formal luncheon with guest speakers, and a presentation on the history of those Grand Lodge Annual Communications held in Essex County District.
The Official Visit mentioned above also included visitation from the Grand Lodge of Michigan!
[Did you know that the last Grand Lodge Annual Communication was held in Essex County District in 1931…perhaps the next one will be in 2030…]
The success of Border Cities Lodge is the success of Essex County Masonic District and of Freemasonry in general. I am so proud of the work done by Border Cities Lodge and the successes therein.
Other Masonic Successes
Aside from Border Cities Masonic Lodge success, this author also had success (and has seen success) in his other masonic lodges.
This author’s mother lodge (Windsor Lodge №403) continues to experience success as it relates to new members, visitation, and well-attended meetings!
This success includes a Harmony Lodge Installation (at which this author was the Installing Master) followed by a banquet in the Windsor Masonic Temple ballroom. This banquet was organised by Temple Blooms (see below) and included local products from Chapter Two Brewing.
The banquet also included special lighting celebrating Ghana, the country from which Harmony Lodge’s Worshipful Master originated (and was initiated into Freemasonry). It was a wonderful touch by Temple Blooms that added something special to the banquet.
Temple Blooms
This author also needs to mention how exciting/excited he is to see what is happening in the Windsor Masonic Temple’s Ballroom with Temple Blooms. The Ballroom has hosted some amazing events in 2024, including Vintage Pop-Up Sales, musical performances, and banquets!
The Ballroom will have even more events in 2025, including two amazing plays already booked!
This author can’t wait to celebrate the success of Temple Blooms in 2025 (and beyond).
Administrative Success
While not the most glamorous of successes, administrative success is vital to the well-running and functioning of both a masonic lodge specifically and freemasonry generally.
This author’s masonic duties and responsibilities include several administrative duties, both by assisting the Worshipful Masters and Secretaries in these administrative tasks.
These administrative tasks have been made much easier thanks to our Grand Lodge’s new “Lodge Management System.”
We discuss this system o the Square & Compass YouTube Channel, at: this link.
This author is proud of the fact that for those lodges in which he is assisting with masonic duties, all bills in 2024 (and 2023) were paid on-time, all necessary paperwork was filed in the same manner, and all correspondence also filed in the same manner. Each of these things, though small, add up to something great.
As Vincent van Gogh stated: “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”
Added to the above, this author always makes sure to take care of his personal masonic commitments in the same manner as the administrative tasks. This includes: paying masonic dues on-time (or early); caring and maintaining dues cards; attending meetings and providing regrets for those meetings which cannot be attended.
Travel, Travel, Travel
Square & Compass Promotions continues to take part in that necessary masonic vocation: travel.
In 2024, Square & Compass Promotions travelled to:
- Puerto Vallarta, MX (…and I’ll be there in a heartbeat…);
- Chicago, Il;
- Glenview, Il;
- West Chicago, Il (where this author ate a delicious “friendsgiving” meal);
- Winnipeg, MB;
- Ottawa, ON (a special place for this author);
- Detroit, MI
- Johnstown, PA
- Numerous towns in Essex County District;
- Ann Arbor, MI (where this author ate several delicious chilli); and
- so many more places via podcasts and virtual content.
Travel and visitation is an incredibly important part of the Masonic experience. It is also a very important part of life.
- “If I’m an advocate for anything, it’s to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean, or simply across the river. The extent to which you can walk in someone else’s shoes or at least eat their food [or sit in their lodge], it’s a plus for everybody.” (Anthony Bourdain)
Live Streaming
In 2024, Square & Compass Promotions began YouTube live streaming, giving us the opportunity to interact with the Square & Compass audience in real time. We’ve used these live streams to ask questions of the audience, including how the audience feels about “Artificial Intelligence and Freemasonry,” the benefits of retaining past masters versus new members, Freemasonry throughout the world, and so much more.
Square & Compass Promotions also use these live streams to connect with its audience regarding topics outside of Freemasonry, such as our favourite types of movies and pop-culture.
Square & Compass Promotions plans to continue these live streams in 2025 (and beyond). Tune in.
These live streams (along with Square & Compass’ additional content) resulted in an increase in Square & Compass subscribers, watch hours, and overall engagement.
Paranormal Investigations and Freemasonry
In 2024, this author got to once again combine two of his favourite things: Freemasonry and the Paranormal.
This author once again connected with Nicholas Romita of Canadian Paranormal Trackers. Nicholas Romita facilitated two paranormal investigations at the Windsor Masonic Temple. He has also appeared on several of our 2024 live streams. He also spoke at Border Cities Lodge’s Official Visit, where he discussed his experiences as a paranormal investigator.
However, what is worth celebrating is that other masonic buildings have begun to embrace paranormal investigations and the opportunities (financial or otherwise) therein contained.
Chief amongst these is the Johnstown Masonic Event and Conference Centre in Johnstown, PA which in 2024 held a paranormal expo and paranormal investigation.
Square & Compass Promotions facilitated several podcasts discussing this expo, both with the Johnstown Masonic Centre’s administration and several of the expo’s presenters.
Square & Compass Promotions also got to attend a live paranormal investigation at the Johnstown Masonic Centre.
Combine all of the above with just the success of being in a town as beautiful as Johnstown, and seeing a building as beautiful as the Johnstown Masonic Event and Conference Centre.
[Author’s Note: Square & Compass Promotions posts content from its travels, including Johnstown, on its various social media platforms. Make sure to follow these channels]
Personal Successes
As this author has stated before, for any Masonic career, outside interests and outside successes are vital in avoiding Masonic burnout.
This author, in 2024, to perform in his hometown of Winnipeg, M for Wrestling United (and can’t wait to do the same in 2025) and was honoured to be part of the (re)launch of Maple Leaf Pro Wresting. Those are major successes! This author was also featured in the film “The Ref Didn’t See It,” celebrating the unsung heroes of professional wrestling…the referees! Learn more at: https://therefmovie.com/.
In addition, this author managed to continue exploring his passions as it relates to horror movies and continued to grow his personal YouTube channel by “watch-along”s with some of our favourite types of media: horror movies on Halloween 2024 and Christmas Movies on December 1st, 2024!
And Meanwhile…
Meanwhile, Square & Compass continues to hold tours of the beautiful and historic Windsor Masonic Temple!
Meanwhile, Square & Compass continues fulfilling its mission to promote the many ways in which Freemasonry was and is relevant to the communities in which it is located as well as posting stories of Masonic interest.
Meanwhile, Square & Compass continues to publish on Medium and on Patreon. You can support Square & Compass on both of those sites!
The Windsor Masonic Temple continues to host an active Coffee Club. The Windsor Masonic Temple continues to make space available for local artists to showcase their work to/for the general public and members.
Square & Compass Promotions believes that we cannot separate the success of Freemasonry with the success of the communities in which it is located. Keeping that in mind, this author needs to mention the success of the City of Windsor (re: the Strengthen the Core) project and the Windsor Masonic Temple’s contributions to that success!
It’s also been great to see more and more engagement with Heritage Masonic Lodge located at the Canadian Transportation Museum and Heritage Village in Kingsville, Ontario!
Why Is The Success of Freemasonry important?
The success of Freemasonry is important because Freemasonry is important?
Why is Freemasonry important?
Freemasonry is important because it makes the lives of its membership ad the communities in which it is located better.
I talked before about why Freemasonry is important as it relates to people’s health.
- “Many types of scientific evidence show that involvement in social relationships benefits health. The most striking evidence comes from prospective studies of mortality across industrialized nations. These studies consistently show that individuals with the lowest level of involvement in social relationships are more likely to die than those with greater involvement (House, Landis, and Umberson 1988). For example, Berkman and Syme (1979) showed that the risk of death among men and women with the fewest social ties was more than twice as high as the risk for adults with the most social ties. Moreover, this finding held even when socioeconomic status, health behaviors, and other variables that might influence mortality, were taken into account. Social ties also reduce mortality risk among adults with documented medical conditions. For instance, Brummett and colleagues (2001) found that, among adults with coronary artery disease, the socially isolated had a risk of subsequent cardiac death 2.4 times greater than their more socially connected peers.” (Umberson D, Montez JK. Social relationships and health: a flashpoint for health policy. J Health Soc Behav. 2010;51 Suppl(Suppl):S54–66. doi: 10.1177/0022146510383501. PMID: 20943583; PMCID: PMC3150158.)
This author also found evidence as the above relates to Freemasonry and health specifically. This author discovered this evidence via social media posts on Facebook. Though the evidence is anecdotal, it is nonetheless telling.
According to the CDC, the life expectancy of a Texas male is only 73.7yrs old. The life expectancy of a Texas Mason is 83yrs old, nearly a decade longer than the average, and 82% of Freemasons live longer than the average life expectancy of a US male.
This stats actually match the experiences of a funeral master for masonic District 39 of Grand Lodge of Texas. He reported that the average age of all the funeral rites for Masons that he conducted equalled eighty-six (86).
Ten more years of life. Ten more years of Lodge meetings. Ten more years with grand-kids. Ten more years with kids. Ten more years with neighbours. Ten more years of community involvement. Ten more years to make the world a better place. Ten more years with loved ones.
Looking Ahead
…and if people bring out the worst in Freemasonry than maybe Freemasonry brings out the best in people…
Sometimes, when you’re in the middle of something, it can be hard to feel good about what you’re doing… But the truth is, Freemasonry has done, and is still doing, so well, including… in our home at the beautiful Windsor Masonic Temple. So, to our Brethren, know how well things are going & we’re proud of you!
All opinions expressed are those of Square & Compass Promotions and the guest(s), and do not reflect the opinions of the Windsor Masonic Temple and or any Masonic group.