Travelling the world without destroying it…

Can you be an ethical traveller and still enjoy your holiday, most of us love to travel, but how can we travel whilst respecting the planet?

Scotty Bird
Sustainable Cities


Image by 822640 from Pixabay

Recently, a friend sent me a link to a video called ’24 Hours of Flights in 24 Seconds’ and I have to admit I didn’t quite appreciate just how many flights there are every single day! The video concentrates just on Europe so multiply this across the globe and you can understand why we are in such a position with the current climate crisis.

If you haven’t watched the video please spare 24 seconds, it really will be eye-opening for many of you.

It was quite horrendous to watch and the ‘24 seconds’ got me thinking about just how bad emissions must be across our planet.
Living in London you may be aware of the recent introduction of the ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) where a penalty of £12.50 is charged per day to drive your vehicle into the capital.

This seems quite ‘small fry’ compared to the excessive level of emissions from aircraft, I know it is all perspectives and I am aware that recent news is discussing the use of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) to combat the excessive emissions from aircraft.



Scotty Bird
Sustainable Cities

An itch I need to scratch! Writer of 20+ years, enjoy helping people with problems, hopefully my writing helps others.