Surviving Japan’s Summer: Sustainable Tips to Beat the Heat

Yllah @Freewill.Inc
Sustainable eco Society
4 min readJul 16, 2024

Summer in Japan is a season of festivals, lush greenery, and delicious seasonal treats. However, it is also synonymous with heat and oppressive humidity, often reaching temperatures above 30°C (86°F) with high humidity levels. For residents and travelers alike, finding ways to stay cool while being mindful of the environment is essential. Here are some sustainable tips to help you beat the heat during Japan’s summer.

1. Traditional Cooling Methods

Japan’s rich history offers a treasure trove of traditional cooling methods that are both effective and eco-friendly.

Why not wear Yukata and Jinbei?: These lightweight cotton garments are not only comfortable but also allow for better air circulation. Opt for wearing a yukata (a casual summer kimono) or jinbei (a traditional two-piece outfit) to stay cool without relying on air conditioning.

Use Uchiwa and Sensu Fans: Handheld fans, whether rigid uchiwa or foldable sensu, provide a portable and sustainable way to cool down. Many festivals and events distribute these fans, often adorned with beautiful designs.

Buy Sudare Blinds: These bamboo blinds can be hung outside windows to block direct sunlight while allowing air to flow through, reducing indoor temperatures without the need for electricity.

2. Natural Cooling at home

Making a few changes at home can significantly reduce your reliance on air conditioning.

Cross Ventilation: Open windows on opposite sides of your home to create a cross breeze. This natural ventilation can lower indoor temperatures and improve air quality.

Green Curtains: Grow climbing plants like morning glories on trellises outside windows. These “green curtains” provide shade and cool the air through transpiration.

Use Light Colors: Light-colored curtains, furniture, and decor reflect heat rather than absorb it, keeping indoor spaces cooler.

3. Stay Hydrated with Eco-friendly Practices

Hydration is crucial during Japan’s hot summer months. Here are some sustainable ways to keep your fluids up.

Carry a Reusable Bottle: Avoid single-use plastic bottles by using a reusable water bottle. Many public places in Japan have water fountains or refill stations.

Mugicha and Other Cold Teas: Mugicha (barley tea) is a popular caffeine-free summer drink in Japan. Brew it at home and store it in the fridge for a refreshing, eco-friendly beverage.

Local Produce: Consume hydrating fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, watermelon, and tomatoes, which are abundant during the summer. Buying locally reduces your carbon footprint.

Find eco-friendly items to survive Japanese summer on tells market

4. Utilize Energy-efficient Cooling Devices

When it’s necessary to use cooling devices, opt for energy-efficient options.

Fans Over Air Conditioning: Electric fans use significantly less energy than air conditioners. Placing a bowl of ice in front of a fan can enhance its cooling effect.

Eco-mode on Air Conditioners: Many air conditioners in Japan have an eco-mode that reduces energy consumption. Use this setting to stay cool more sustainably.

Energy-efficient Appliances: Invest in appliances with high energy-efficiency ratings. While the initial cost may be higher, they save money and reduce environmental impact in the long run.

5. Enjoy Nature Responsibly

Japan’s natural beauty offers numerous opportunities for cooling down, from forest bathing to river swims.

Shinrin-yoku (Forest Bathing): Spending time in forests not only cools you down but also has proven health benefits. National parks and nature reserves are perfect for this.

Water Activities: Rivers, lakes, and coastal areas provide a natural respite from the heat. Always follow local guidelines to protect these environments.

Evening Strolls: The temperature drops slightly in the evenings. Enjoy the cooler air by taking a stroll in your neighborhood or visiting a local park.

6. Participate in Community and Eco-friendly Activities

Engaging in community events and adopting eco-friendly habits can make a significant impact.

Matsuri (Festivals): Many local festivals celebrate summer with traditional music, dance, and food. Participate in these events to experience cultural heritage and community spirit.

Eco-conscious Shopping: Support businesses that prioritize sustainability. Look for products with minimal packaging and those made from recycled or natural materials.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Be mindful of your waste. Reduce your consumption, reuse items whenever possible, and diligently sort your recyclables according to local guidelines.



Yllah @Freewill.Inc
Sustainable eco Society

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