An Intro To Sustainable Energy

Matthew Mooney
Sustainable Energy and The Workplace
2 min readSep 25, 2018

Throughout my life I have always wondered what it would be like to have a world that could be powered by an energy source that wouldn’t be harmful to the Earth and the people inhabiting it. I have always been interested in ways to reduce my carbon footprint and doing my part to keep the Earth clean but I would like to see something bigger, something more effective take place that would change not only the workplace but would benefit the Earth and everyone living on it making it a cleaner, healthier place to live.

I know sustainable energy and renewable energy have been around for some time and have been used, but not on a large world wide scale. The definition of sustainable energy can be defined in different ways but to put it in simple terms, it is using energy that meets the needs of the current generation without compromising the needs of future generations, meaning the energy source is inexhaustible. The main forms include solar energy, wind energy, hydro power and geothermal energy. While conducting my research I have began to think about the future which has led me to really have questions about this topic. Questions like, Can this actually work?, What would be the cost to implement this worldwide? and What could be done in the meantime to not compromise the needs for future generations? They interest me because it is something that is realistic and relevant to our lives, it is crucial that something is done to prevent further damage to our Earth.

A skill that would help you to prepare for a this situation is being adaptive, learning how to change your habits. This skill could be practiced by turning off lights and other electronics when your not using it and doing anything to reduce your carbon footprint.

