Acerola, Natural Source of Vitamin C

Yeji Kwon
Medication Health News
3 min readSep 18, 2020
Photo by Manu Camargo on Unsplash

We all know how important Vitamin C is. It’s a powerful antioxidant, helps manage high blood pressure, boosts the immune system, and improves iron absorption.

The majority of people get Vitamin C through citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, red peppers, kiwifruit, broccoli, strawberries, Brussel sprouts, and cantaloupe.

But which fruit has the most vitamin C?

A study conducted in May 2011 revealed that organic acerola presented a higher concentration of total vitamin C than any other fruit. Moreover, acerola contains phytonutrients like carotenoids, anthocyanins, and flavonoids. In other words, acerola has 100 times more Vitamin C than oranges or lemon!

Background History

Acerola is a plant native to northern South America, Central America, southern Mexico, and the Caribbean. Acerola is a deep red color when ripe, but is easily bruised and lasts only 2–3 days at room temperature.

Photo by Apostolos Vamvouras on Unsplash

1. Better Absorption!

The vitamin C of acerola is better absorbed by human beings than the synthetic vitamin C. A study conducted by Uchinda in 2011 stated that the component of acerola increased efficiency absorption and excretion of vitamin C.

Unfortunately, vitamin C in acerola is very unstable and any added process to fresh acerola will lose its vitamin C rapidly. It’s best to take fresh acerola!

2. Healthy Immune System

Now we all know that acerola contains a very high amount of vitamin C. Eating only three acerolas can meet the daily requirement for this vitamins. That is how powerful acerola is!

Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of the immune system. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant protecting the body against oxidative stress and appears to be able to both prevent and treat respiratory and infections. Ultimately, the accumulation of vitamin C in cells and promote microbial killing.

Photo by Bruna Branco on Unsplash

3. Better Brain Function

The brain has a large potential oxidative capacity but a limited ability to counteract oxidative stress. Thus, a buildup of oxidative stress results in brain cell injury and increases the potential of causing neurodegenerative disorders.

On the contrary, vitamin C plays a vital role in maintaining the brain’s chemical balance by influencing the function of receptors.

Although more studies are needed to prove the effect of Vitamin C as a neuroprotective agent, it’s true that antioxidants in acerola reduce inflammation and oxidative stress which is known to damage the brain.

4. Smart Eating

Acerola is a great natural source of vitamin C and is well tolerated when used in a typical food amount. How can we eat Acerola in most healthy and effective way? Here are few ways you can add Acerola to your daily eating.

  1. Add fresh Acerola to your salad or yogurt
  2. Add fresh Acerola to your favorite smoothie

If you can’t find a fresh Acerola at your local store, you can purchase an Acerola capsule or powder instead. Acerola capsules can be taken as directed by the brand of your choice or a 1 tablespoon of Acerola powder can be added to your salad, yogurt, or smoothie.

Always be mindful that eating a large amount of acerola may cause vomiting, abdominal pain and dehydration. Three Acerolas fulfill the daily recommended dose of vitamin C.

Next time you walk into a grocery store, try to see if the store carries Acerola. You’ll fall in love with your new favorite fruit!

