Top 3 Benefits of Elderberry Syrup

Rachel Eugenio
Medication Health News
5 min readSep 15, 2020


Photo by RitaE — 19628 on Canva

Elderberry syrup has been used for centuries in Europe as a supportive agent against common cold and flu like symptoms. Today, there are many studies supporting these claims and discussing the various potential benefits of this vibrant purple berry.

As the summer starts to wind down and fall approaches, the cool days and beautiful foliage come along with it. Unfortunately, as the days grow colder, the increase in the number of colds also grows significantly.

I can still remember the worst part about getting a cold as a child was having to take a big spoonful of medicine. My mother would have to chase me around the house to get me to finally take it. I would do everything I possibly could to steer clear of catching a cold so that I could avoid whatever medicine would follow. Even now, the taste is just not my favorite.

It’s for this exact reason that I began looking for any possible way I could avoid getting sick. Today, I believe one of the best ways to naturally boost the immune system and help shorten a cold is to take elderberry syrup. Not only does it have many different health benefits, it also tastes delicious.

Photo by Cam James on Unsplash

What Is Elderberry Syrup?

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) comes from the European elder deciduous tree found in North America, Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa. This small, deep purple berry has many health benefits that can be utilized by both adults and children.

Additionally, Elderberry syrup can be enjoyed as a topping on ice cream, drizzled on oatmeal or waffles, or even just straight as is.

1. Shortens Flu Symptoms

Not only does elderberry syrup help to relieve flu symptoms, but clinical trials have also shown that it can reduce flu duration as well. In one study, patients received 1 tbsp four times daily within 48 hours of their initial symptoms. After only 2 to 4 days, flu symptoms were already lessening.

“On average, this elderberry extract seemed to reduce duration of symptoms by about 56%”

2. Reduces Common Cold Duration

While there is no current research that shows elderberry can impact the number of colds a person has, there is some research that it does reduce the duration of colds by approximately 2 days. It has also been shown to reduce the severity of common colds by about 58% when compared to placebo.

3. Reduces Inflammation

Elderberry naturally contains many anti-inflammatory chemical components. Anthocyanin is found in elderberries and not only is responsible for giving the berry its deep purple color, but it is also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Elderberries also contain a variety of vitamins, including A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, and E. These vitamins and nutrients will not only help reduce inflammation, but they can also boost your immune system.

Photo by Matt Briney on Unsplash

Where Can I Buy Elderberry Syrup?

Elderberry syrup as well as dried elderberries can be purchased online from a variety of different companies. Some include Mountain Rose Herbs, Jean’s Green, and SouthWest Herbals. While opting to get the syrup pre-made may be the simplest option, it is also the most expensive option.

If you’re looking to get the best bang for your buck following a recipe at home is not only easy, but also much more cost efficient.

Maryea, the author of Happy Healthy Mama, has a homemade elderberry syrup recipe that will leave you wanting to make this sweet, beneficial syrup again and again!

Photo by Uwe Conrad on Unsplash


  • 3 cups water
  • 3/4 cup dried elderberries
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger or 1 teaspoon dried ginger
  • 1 teaspoon dried cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 teaspoon dried cloves or 4 whole cloves
  • 1 cup raw honey


  1. Add water, elderberries, ginger, cinnamon and cloves to a large saucepan
  2. Mix and bring to a boil, then reduce heat, cover and simmer for about 40–45 minutes, until the liquid has reduced by about half
  3. Let the liquid cool, then mash berries to help release juice and then strain the mixture. Set aside the liquid and discard the pulp.
  4. Take the liquid and mix the honey in to get a syrup consistency
  5. Pour mixture into a sealed jar and can keep in the fridge for about 2 months
Photo by nichiiro on Unsplash

How Often Do I Take It?

There is no set dose for elderberry syrup. If taking it to fight flu symptoms, research shows that for an adult taking 1 tbsp four times daily for 3–5 days has had a positive outcome.

For children above one years old also taking elderberry for the flu, a dose of 1 tbsp twice daily for 3 days can be used. If taking elderberry syrup for its health benefits in general, some use 1 tbsp once a day, and 1 tsp once a day in kids.


Elderberry syrup has been used short term in studies for up to 15 days safely in adults in one study, and 7 days for children over 12 years old in another study. There are little to no adverse effects reported when using elderberry syrup if used in moderation.

It’s important to not consume elderberry leaves, stems, unripe fruit, uncooked fruit, and not to confuse Sambucus species. There are others that are not as safe and can be harmful.

If these other parts of the elderberry plant are consumed, symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can occur due to a chemical component in the elderberry that is cyanide-producing.

Once cooked, this toxin will be eliminated and you’ll be left only with the many benefits of the elderberry syrup.


Elderberry has proven to have a variety of health benefits, including shortening cold durations and lessening flu symptoms.

With little to no adverse effects if taken properly, elderberry syrup is an excellent option for anyone looking to naturally boost their immune system as we head into the fall and winter months.

