How can we as UX designers make an impact beyond just users & stakeholders?

Bavo Lodewyckx
SUX — Sustainable UX
3 min readApr 24, 2023


What it means to be a sustainable UX designer?!

Photo by freephotocc on Pixabayu

As the world becomes more conscious of its impact on the environment and social systems, businesses and organizations are taking steps towards sustainability. Sustainable UX design is a crucial part of this shift, focusing on designing digital products and services that reduce harm to the planet and society while still delivering an optimal user experience.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a framework for sustainable development in areas such as poverty reduction, climate action, and gender equality. As a sustainable UX designer, working within the scope of the SDGs means designing with these goals in mind.

Here are some ways that sustainable UX designers can incorporate the SDGs into their work:

  1. Design for inclusivity and accessibility

The first step towards designing sustainable digital products is to ensure they are accessible and inclusive. This means designing for people with disabilities, as well as those who are marginalized or disadvantaged in other ways. By making digital products and services more accessible, designers can help reduce inequalities and promote social inclusion.

2. Consider the environmental impact

Digital products and services have an environmental impact, from the energy used to power servers to the materials used in the production of devices. Sustainable UX designers should consider the environmental impact of their designs and look for ways to minimize it. This could include designing for energy efficiency, using eco-friendly materials, or reducing the overall environmental footprint of a product or service.

3. Promote sustainable behaviours

Sustainable UX design can also promote sustainable behaviours, such as reducing energy consumption, recycling, or reducing waste. For example, a sustainable UX designer might design an app that helps users track their energy consumption or reminds them to recycle. By promoting sustainable behaviours, designers can help reduce the environmental impact of digital products and services.

4. Design for social impact

In addition to promoting environmental sustainability, sustainable UX designers can also design for social impact. This means designing products and services that promote social justice, human rights, and equality. For example, a sustainable UX designer might design a platform that connects people with affordable housing or promotes access to education. By designing for social impact, designers can help promote the SDGs and make a positive impact on society.

5. Collaborate with stakeholders

Sustainable UX designers should collaborate with stakeholders to ensure that their designs align with the goals and values of the organization. This could include working with environmentalists, social activists, or other stakeholders who have a stake in the sustainability of the product or service. By collaborating with stakeholders, designers can ensure that their designs are aligned with the SDGs and contribute to a sustainable future.

In conclusion, being a sustainable UX designer within the scope of the UN SDGs means designing with social and environmental sustainability in mind. Sustainable UX designers should consider the impact of their designs on the planet and society, and look for ways to promote sustainability and social impact. By working within the framework of the SDGs, designers can help build a more sustainable and equitable future.

