The Awakening — Vol #2 — The Sustainable UX Newsletter

Poppe Guthrie
SUX — Sustainable UX
4 min readMar 23, 2023


Image by Isabel Pettinato

Humanity is on thin ice — and that ice is melting fast,” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said at Monday’s release of the latest synthesis report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “Our world needs climate action on all fronts — everything, everywhere, all at once.” — UN Climate Panel 20 Mar, 2023

In the global north, spring has begun. The earth, animals, and everything in between is awakening from it’s cold winter slumber. This is a time of renewal and hope for warmer days with longer bouts of sunlight. We have a sort of climate awareness spring emerging throughout our design and technology communities creating a universal awakening to the threats of climate change. And yet, with any spring, there is hope. Let’s use this awakening to inspire each other towards taking action where we can because it matters more now, than ever before.

February/March 2023 Global Highlights

“I think our climate system, but also our social systems and our ecosystems, all show us that it’s bloody urgent, so that we can still change the world to make it a better place for all of us.” — Dr Friederike Otto.

2023 Upcoming Events
🗓️ March

🗓️ April — ??

Get Involved
🌏🌎🌍 Current Community Count
 — 1,308 Slack members
 — 2,873 LinkedIn followers

We are continuing to build the SUX Playbook, explore the toolkit. You can help! If interested, learn more here.

🙏 Thank you for tuning in! We urge you stay optimistic because together, incremental change can become monumental.

We’ll be back next month. If you have something published or an upcoming event you would like featured, please reach out to Poppe Guthrie on the ⚡️ SUX slack.

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Poppe Guthrie
SUX — Sustainable UX

Passionate UX & Service Designer focusing on sustainability and systemic thinking. Expect to hear about sustainability, design advocacy, and design leadership.