9-Euro Ticket

Sustainable Germany
2 min readMay 8, 2023

In 2022, German travelers could purchase a 9-euro ticket that allowed them to freely use local and regional trains throughout the entire country. This obviously came with several advantages — it’s an affordable option for those on a budget, making it a popular choice among students, young people, and budget-conscious travelers who want to explore different parts of the country without breaking the bank. Additionally, the 9-euro ticket promotes train travel, which is an eco-friendlier mode of transportation compared to cars or planes.

However, the 9-euro ticket also has some downsides. During peak travel periods, overcrowding on trains may occur, which can make the trip uncomfortable and less enjoyable. The German transportation is already aging and in need of repair. This massive influx of travelers may strain the system beyond its capacity. Moreover, the 9-euro offer is only available on specific routes and at specific times, limiting travel options and making trip planning challenging. Finally, there are concerns that the offer may not be sustainable in the long run and could lead to higher ticket prices in the future, as the government needs to subsidize the cost of the 9-euro tickets.

The party I have been assigned to for class, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), has not taken an official stance on this topic. However, given the context of the ticket, it is likely that some members of the AfD party view the 9-euro ticket offer as an unnecessary government intervention in the market, which they may argue could negatively impact private businesses that operate in the transportation sector. I imagine members of this party likely believe that prices of train tickets should be set strictly by market forces.

