€9? Ya, Bitte!

Elena Chen
Sustainable Germany
2 min readMar 29, 2023

In an effort to deal with increasing energy costs caused by the war in Ukraine, and to encourage Germans to use their cars less, and public transport more, the German government introduced a special discounted flat-rate monthly rail ticket valid anywhere in the entire country. The 9-Euro-Ticket was a German scheme through which passengers could travel for 9 euros per month on local and regional transport in all of Germany. The tickets were valid for June, July, or August 2022.

The 9-Euro-Ticket was supposed to give Germans a break on rising energy expenses. It helped do that, but it brought Germany to reckon with what public transport can and should look like, especially in the age of an energy and climate crisis. This three-month experiment could help reshape the country’s transportation infrastructure. Although it probably will never be quite this cheap again.

I do think the 9-Euro-Ticket should be reintroduced. The cheap price strongly encourage people to switch their ways of transportation in a more sustainable way. A study of air quality over the summer for the University of Potsdam’s Center for Economic Policy Analysis showed a “substantial fall in the air quality index of more than 6%.” According to Numbeo, on average an individual’s monthly cost on transportation is 13.5% of their total expenses. Through observing the screenshots below, I would say the government could raise the price of the ticket less or equal to 70 Eruo, or it could be even less than 55, which is the minimum of the price range. It would definitely satisfy customers’ willingness to pay.

I think the CDU/CSU would support the 9-Euro-Ticket. Historically, the CDU/CSU plans to focus on “efficient market-economy tools” to meet the Paris climate goals. They oppose introducing a speed limit on the autobahn and banning diesel fuel. The CDU/CSU wants Germany to play a leading role in world affairs, and support more Bundeswehr missions abroad. They want to focus on trade, climate policy, and the fight against organized crime and terrorism. Thus their opinion on 9-Euro-Ticket might be positive.

