Atomkraft, “nein danke” oder “ja, danke” ?

Sophia The
Sustainable Germany
2 min readMar 20, 2023

The idea of nuclear usually lends itself to extremely strong opinions about its existence and place in society. Since certain nuclear warfare and nuclear waste incidents, there has been a largely negative public view on nuclear power. So much so that many countries including Australia, Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Estonia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal and Serbia, have already phased out nuclear. As of now, Germany is finalizing plans to phase out nuclear by mid 2023, but there is growing debate over whether that is the right choice. There are two alternative options: Revert back to previous phase out plans by 2023 or cancel the phase out plans all together. In my opinion, I dont think Germany or the world is ready to make a complete decision over whether nuclear is entirely good or entirely bad. Therefore I think pushing the plans back to the 2036 phase out schedule would give Germany more time to do quantitative and qualitative research into the economics, environmental, and social pros and cons of using nuclear power. People will always have a fear of nuclear, not unwarranted of course, but I do not think it would be a good idea to implement the use of more nuclear power without first providing a more wholistic education to the public about nuclear power. There are many negative stereotypes and conclusions that are jumped to as soon as people hear the world nuclear. Thus I think completely cancelling the nuclear phase out plans would terrify Germans and there would be huge push back. So in that sense I think the political choices are going to have to be based on social strategy that can ease people into the idea that nuclear isnt always 100% bad. This can only happen with time and thats why I think starting with going back to the 2036 phase out plan is the best course of action because it opens up Germany to more options and paths in the long run regarding nuclear power.

