Berlin: A city of history

Sustainable Germany
1 min readJun 22, 2023

As a fan of history and politics, Berlin must be one of the most interesting cities in the world to study. In the last 100 years, it has made it through both World Wars resulting in total destruction and the epicenter of the Cold War. It has also had democratic, authoritarian, and communist governments. You could (and many people have) write books on these extensive dynamics.

Today’s Berlin, a living museum of the 20th century’s high and low moments, feels both ‘normal’ and surreal at the same time. This dynamic is what I found most interesting as we traveled around the city center during our week there.

On one hand, Berlin today is a global center for arts, music, culture, and industry. It attracts tourists from around the world and contributes to the EU as one of the continent’s largest economies. It feels like a ‘normal’ big city.

On the other hand, as you walk through the city, reminders of the 20th century are scattered around in plain sight. During a day out with friends, one might pass Golden plaques on the ground remembering Jewish families who lived in these homes prior to second world war, see the twin stones lining the road where the Berlin Wall once stood or pass one of the many museums explaining and remembering the 20th century’s events. This preservation of the city’s history offers a truly unique feeling.

As I conclude my time in Germany, this city is definitely one that I am excited to explore further in the future.

