Childhood Experiences and Their Lasting Impact: Reflections on Ina’s Talk

Sophia The
Sustainable Germany
2 min readApr 5, 2023

Ina’s talk about her experiences growing up in East Germany was both eye-opening and captivating. I was particularly fascinated by how much children were involved in the daily struggles of their parents. Ina spoke about how she had to make trades at the grocery shop for things she didn’t understand simply because her parents had made deals to obtain the goods they needed. It was striking to hear how children were essentially co-opted into their parents’ struggles for survival, and how much this affected their daily lives. It was apparent that parents had no option to shield their kids from the harsh reality of growing up under the German Democratic Republic.

Ina also shared the psychological impact of growing up in East Germany. She noted that as a child, she was unable to express her thoughts or feelings, as there was a pervasive sense of surveillance and fear. Whether from her own experiences or observing what happened to other children at school when they spoke out about something they didn’t agree with or were simply asking questions about the world they observed around them. This had lasting effects on her sense of confidence and identity, and made it difficult for her to deal with the traumatic events of her past, even as an adult. Hearing Ina’s story made me realize how much our childhood experiences can shape us and how vital it is to create a safe and nurturing environment for children to grow up in, something that I have often taken for granted.

