Freiburg: The Old City with New Ideas

Andrew Masciarelli
Sustainable Germany
2 min readJun 7, 2023

As our time in Freiburg draws to a close, I have spent moments reflecting on the incredible gem that is this city. With over 900 years of history, the area has withstood the tests of time, human conflict, and nature. However, it has not just endured, but evolved. Our adventures in the city can be best encapsulated by the hope for the future seen embodied throughout countless aspects of life.

On our first day in Freiburg, we had the privilege of visiting two more rural farms. Reminded of my home region given the hills and open spaces, I saw an advanced and well-developed means of more sustainable farming. I was amazed by the fact that such a small team of 4 members could take care of the farm’s operations, but I was also impressed by their use of photovoltaic energy to dry the hay which they fed to their livestock.

On our second day, we joined our tour guide once more to learn about the city’s work in pushing forward with sustainable implementations for urban areas. First, we toured an industrial park in which existing buildings were undergoing practices to make room for green space without changing the structural integrity of the area. I found this extremely interesting, as it may be something more feasible in the short-term within America since more major changes in the direction of sustainability tend to face difficulty when it comes to implementation.

Our next stop were passive houses, which allow for residents to live in a community of energy self-sustaining homes. I found this area to be very interesting, as the implementation reaches as far back as 2006. In the United States, I would argue that the overarching conversations on sustainability hadn’t even emerged yet, let alone seen such significant use.

All in all, the 900 year old town may seem at first glance like a town left in time, but a closer inspection reveals an advanced society that has addressed modern issues in a variety of ways. While the town still has issues to address, such as cigarette waste, I look forward to the future of Freiburg as they continually innovate and build an even better city for residents.

