Hamburg Blog: Alumni Connections

Ilina Gobburu
Sustainable Germany
1 min readJun 18, 2023

A highlight of my time in Hamburg was getting to chat with alumni Adrian Daues and learning about post-graduate life. As a recent grad, it has been both exciting and stressful navigating what I want to do and where I want to be, and hearing about Adrian’s experience during his first year as a post-grad certainly helped. He was also an econ major during his time at Oxy, and now he works in consulting as a consultant for companies aiming to stay up to date with sustainability legislation. He works in Berlin, and was just visiting Hamburg for the day. We went to a great crêpe place with Professor Wong for dinner, and also heard about how he is now applying for graduate school in Switzerland next year. I would also like to go to grad school after working for maybe a year or two, so hearing that other alumni did this was helpful. Later, we also got the chance to meet some of Adrian’s friends from Hamburg, who gave us great suggestions for shopping and cool neighborhoods to explore in our free time. I found it very interesting to see how many young people were out and about walking, eating, and chatting outside- it made the city seem vibrant and exciting. At this point in the trip, I found myself open to the idea of living in Europe during my 20’s, which felt like there were a lot of new opportunities for me in the future in terms of cities and career paths.

