Social Sustainability in Germany: Looking into Gender Inequalities

Tye Hernandez
Sustainable Germany
3 min readApr 13, 2023

A socially sustainable system refers to a system that promotes social well-being, equity, and inclusiveness while also ensuring the long-term sustainability of the system. In other words, it is a system that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Germany is known for its robust social welfare system and commitment to sustainability. However, even with these strengths, there is always room for improvement. One area where Germany could do better to be more socially sustainable is in the realm of gender equality.
Despite Germany being a developed country, gender inequality still exists. In the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021, Germany ranked 11th out of 156 countries, which is respectable but still leaves room for improvement. The report showed that Germany scored particularly low in the areas of political empowerment and economic participation, and opportunity for women.
There are several steps that Germany could take to improve gender inequality. One such step is to implement policies that promote work-life balance. Currently, the average German workweek is around 40 hours, and many people work longer hours than that. This makes balancing work and family responsibilities difficult for people, especially women. By introducing policies such as paid parental leave and flexible working hours, Germany could make it easier for people to balance work and family life.
Another step that Germany could take is to encourage more women to enter traditionally male-dominated fields. Despite having a relatively high level of education, women in Germany are underrepresented in fields such as engineering and technology. By promoting STEM education for girls and providing more opportunities for women to enter these fields, Germany could help to address this imbalance.
Germany could also do more to address the gender pay gap. Although the pay gap in Germany is lower than in many other countries, it still exists, and women in Germany earn around 20% less than men on average. Germany could introduce mandatory pay transparency and stronger enforcement of equal pay laws to address this issue.
Finally, Germany could do more to combat gender-based violence and harassment. While Germany has taken steps to address this issue, such as introducing new laws to combat sexual harassment and assault, more needs to be done to create a culture of respect and equality. This could include education campaigns in schools and workplaces and providing more resources and support for victims of gender-based violence.
In conclusion, while Germany has made progress in promoting gender equality, there is still room for improvement. By implementing policies that promote work-life balance, encouraging more women to enter male-dominated fields, addressing the gender pay gap, and combatting gender-based violence and harassment, Germany could become a more socially sustainable country that genuinely values equality for all. Overall, a socially sustainable system is one that strives to create a better society for all while also ensuring that the resources and opportunities of the present are not consumed at the expense of future generations.

