The End, but Not Exactly

Elena Chen
Sustainable Germany
2 min readJun 18, 2023

We ended our trip to Berlin. I’ve been asked about the highlight or the best part during my trip for several times, and I’d like to share this to the class here.

11 years ago, when I traveled to Europe, among four countries (France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland), I thought Germany was the most boring one: nothing attractive, no yummy food, no fun stuff, etc. However, this trip changed my mind. The main reason would be we’ve been to a lot of places that normal tourism would not bring us to. Thanks to this, I could observe German people’s normal life, could learn about their opinions, and could take a deep look at this country.

Before the trip, we’ve learned quite many aspects during class about German sustainability from Professor Wong through sharing his own experience, but when I truly saw those widely covered roofs with solar panels, when I used Pfand myself, when I received Recup in coffee shops and returned them in different locations, I was then surprised (or even astonished) about this country. Learning deeply about German sustainability opened my eyes and brought me joy. Germany is definitely not boring.

I was then inspired that traditional tourism actually won’t bring me too many observations, insights, and thoughts (especially critical thinking). Probably another lesson I learned is that I would be willing to do more trips like this for my later travelling. I gain more interest and satisfaction during trip like this rather than going to a theme park.

This trip would become my life-long memory, and I will keep lessons I learned during these three weeks in my mind and travel and learn.

