30 Must-Know Pros and Cons of Utilitarianism 2023

Jordon layne
Published in
12 min readFeb 1, 2023

Utilitarianism, an ethical theory initially proposed by Jeremy Bentham in the late 1700s, has since been debated and developed extensively. It implies that actions should be judged based on their capacity to generate happiness for the most significant amount of people — what is referred to as utility. This doctrine remains a potent influence in modern society; at its core lies the notion that all decisions should prioritize pleasure. Utilitarians strive to maximize the utility of a given action, meaning they weigh the happiness it produces against any suffering caused. They consider how this act will impact every individual involved to reach an ethical outcome that achieves maximum joy for as many people as possible. While Utilitarianism is mainly seen from a moral standpoint, its reductionist approach has been accused by some critics; we will discuss the Pros and Cons of Utilitarianism in this article.

Utilitarianism has been criticized, including the lack of consideration for individual lives and oversimplifying complex ethical decisions. Nonetheless, this moral theory is evidenced in numerous areas, from business to politics and human rights. Despite these criticisms, it still undeniably exists in many facets today. Utilitarians strive to create the highest level of overall joy by examining the outcomes their judgments might have on countless people. Although Utilitarianism has been harshly critiqued recently, it remains a practical and relevant moral system in our ever-evolving world. Even if we consider it a platform for achieving maximum pleasure or a misguided reductionist ethical approach, there is no debate that Utilitarianism will continue to shape our social dialogue into the future.

Origins of Utilitarianism

The concepts of Utilitarianism emerged during the Enlightenment era when individualistic and rational thinking was highly valued. This period marked a shift from basing moral decisions on religious beliefs or tradition to being grounded in evidence-based reasoning.

Classical economists such as Adam Smith and David Ricardo greatly influenced utilitarianism philosophy during this period. These scholars worked to grasp how societies could acquire the highest potential of prosperity and welfare. Consequently, they originated the notion that is obtaining optimum outcomes required maximizing joy and contentment for most citizens.

Jeremy Bentham, the British philosopher known for his influential contributions to Utilitarianism, proposed that human life should be directed towards maximizing joy and minimizing suffering — what he dubbed “the greatest happiness principle.” This was accomplished through a systematic calculation of pleasure and pain, and his belief is still held today as one of the fundamental tenets of morality.

Bentham’s Utilitarianism

According to Bentham’s Utilitarianism, people are driven by pleasure and seek to avoid pain. Therefore, the government and other organizations should aim to promote joy for as many individuals as possible. This goal can be achieved through careful assessment of delight versus distress.

Bentham was a staunch supporter of individualism, adhering to the notion that every person can decide for themselves and chase their objectives as long as it does not harm anyone else. He advocated an ideology where people are free to pursue joy so long as this pursuit doesn’t hinder somebody else’s contentment.

Despite his immense impact on Utilitarianism, Bentham’s beliefs were not without critique. Specifically, it was argued that he placed too much emphasis on individual satisfaction and neglected the influence of institutions and social structures in driving human behavior.

John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism

The British philosopher John Stuart Mill brought a groundbreaking advancement to Utilitarianism by introducing the idea of “higher” and “lower” pleasures. He proposed that some satisfactions were more valuable than others and should be prioritized when considering the greatest pleasure for everybody in society. This marked an important milestone in moral philosophy, as it increased our understanding of human satisfaction.

Furthermore, Mill was a staunch proponent of individual rights and justice. He held firmly that Utilitarianism could be leveraged to support far-reaching social reforms and progressive political movements. His philosophies centered on utilizing Utilitarianism to protect individual freedom, such as free speech and promoting equality in economic & social standings.

Despite its many contributions, Mill’s philosophy was not without backlash. Critics argued that it overly emphasized an individual’s rights and freedoms to the exclusion of society’s institutions and social structures, which shape humanity’s behaviors.

Utilitarianism in the 20th Century

During the 20th Century, Utilitarianism left a lasting legacy on politics and ethics. Its principles were utilized to bolster progressive reforms such as improving workers’ rights, women’s suffrage, and civil rights movements. In reaction to any disadvantages of Bentham’s and Mill’s philosophies, “rule utilitarianism” originated — an advanced version of classical Utilitarianism with more widespread appeal. Rule utilitarianism proposes that instead of focusing on the total pleasure of every decision, we should set rules that will bring about maximum joy for the most significant number of persons. Although it has endured immense recognition, Utilitarianism still encountered much criticism in the 20th Century. Opponents argued that prioritizing individual satisfaction and calculating delight was too restrictive and disregarded other essential values such as justice, fairness, and human respect.

Pros of Utilitarianism

  1. Promotes the greatest happiness for the most significant number of people
  2. Encourages ethical decision-making based on empirical evidence and reason
  3. Provides a framework for fair and just decision-making
  4. Encourages individual responsibility and accountability
  5. Focuses on outcomes and results rather than motives or intentions
  6. Encourages compassion and empathy for others
  7. Can be applied to a wide range of ethical and moral dilemmas
  8. Encourages individual freedom and autonomy
  9. Supports the idea of continuous progress and improvement
  10. It can be used to support progressive social and political reforms
  11. Supports the principle of equality and equal treatment for all
  12. Encourages people to consider the consequences of their actions
  13. Provides a consistent framework for ethical decision-making
  14. Supports the idea of evidence-based policy-making
  15. Encourages ethical decision-making that takes into account the needs of future generations

In detail:

  1. Promotes the greatest happiness for the most significant number of people: Utilitarianism is a moral and ethical system that strongly believes in pursuing collective happiness. It emphasizes decision-making that considers the needs of many, not just one or two individuals. Utilitarians strive to make choices that bring about optimal joy for society by minimizing suffering and maximizing pleasure — so everyone can benefit equally from positive outcomes!
  2. Encourages ethical decision-making based on empirical evidence and reason: Utilitarianism inherently stresses the significance of using empirical facts and analytical reasoning when making moral decisions. This perspective urges one’s ethical choices to be based on what can be observed, backed by a logical assessment of all relevant information. This view calls for an unbiased approach that considers all practicable evidence when deciding ethically.
  3. Provides a framework for fair and just decision-making: Utilitarianism is an ethical framework designed to ensure that decisions are made with fairness and justice. This philosophy empowers decision-makers by advocating for them to consider their choices’ impacts on society, encouraging an aim toward what results in the best for all involved. Utilitarianism has been proven effective at helping those making decisions create outcomes that prioritize morality above other potential concerns.
  4. Encourages individual responsibility and accountability: Utilitarianism calls for individuals to take ownership of their choices and weigh the consequences of those decisions on others. This system encourages ethical decision-making as people become more conscious of possible repercussions. By holding oneself accountable for their actions, one can make decisions with a greater good in mind rather than solely based upon what benefits them most directly.
  5. Focuses on outcomes and results rather than motives or intentions: Utilitarianism prioritizes the consequences over any ulterior motives of ethical decisions. Hence, the focus is on how it affects society instead of selfish reasons. This approach helps ensure that each choice serves a greater purpose for everyone involved.
  6. Encourages compassion and empathy for others: Through the lens of Utilitarianism, individuals are encouraged to examine their decisions with compassion and empathy for those who could be affected. In this way, ethical decision-making that considers the needs of others can be promoted and better achieved.
  7. It can be applied to a wide range of ethical and moral dilemmas: Utilitarianism is a flexible philosophy that can address various ethical and moral issues. From personal ethics to political matters, it provides a structure for creating decisions based on the greatest good of all concerned. Utilize this powerful philosophy when making complex ethical or moral judgments!
  8. Encourages individual freedom and autonomy: Utilitarianism encourages individuals to make responsible, ethical choices that reflect their values and beliefs. This philosophy supports freedom of choice for every individual as long as it does not cause any harm to others. By following this approach to decision-making, one can ensure that personal autonomy is respected while considering the well-being of society at large.
  9. Supports the idea of continuous progress and improvement: Utilitarianism is the philosophy that emphasizes continual progress and improvement. It encourages people to take action towards a better future, making choices based on what will bring maximum contentment for all of society. We can keep pushing forward with positive growth and development by implementing this approach.
  10. Can be used to support progressive social and political reforms: Utilitarianism is the ideal philosophy to validate progressive reforms such as women’s suffrage, civil rights movements, and workers’ rights. Its emphasis on maximizing well-being for all individuals and its focus on individual freedom makes it a perfect fit for these causes. Utilitarianism can help us consider how our actions will affect those around us — something that becomes increasingly important in social justice work.
  11. Supports the principle of equality and equal treatment for all: Utilitarianism promotes fairness and impartiality, as it encourages individuals to consider the effect of their decisions on all members of society irrespective of social status, race, gender identity, or any other characteristics. This ethical viewpoint furthers equality among people across demographics by encouraging equal treatment for all.
  12. Encourages people to consider the consequences of their actions: Utilitarianism encourages individuals to think beyond the immediate effects of their decisions and consider how they can sustainably benefit society. Through this approach, individuals may make responsible, ethical choices that will positively impact present and future generations.
  13. Provides a consistent framework for ethical decision-making: Utilitarianism makes moral decision-making more accessible and efficient by providing an unambiguous, universal framework. Its guiding principles support equitable decisions across organizations based on shared values that eliminate any bias or favoritism. In this way, a practical approach to ethical judgment creates consistency and fairness in our choices.
  14. Supports the idea of evidence-based policy-making: Evidence-based decision-making is encouraged by Utilitarianism. This approach uses empirical evidence and sound reasoning to advocate for ethical policies founded on the best available data rather than personal beliefs or preconceived notions. From a practical standpoint, policymakers can confidently make choices, knowing they have access to all relevant information necessary to achieve their desired outcomes.
  15. Encourages ethical decision-making that considers future generations’ needs: Utilitarianism calls on us to make ethical decisions that will consider the needs of future generations. This philosophy encourages us to look at our choices’ long-term effects and prioritize those which lead to maximum overall happiness for society in the years ahead. By upholding this approach, we can ensure sustainable practices are developed and adopted today that protect the interests of future generations.

Cons of Utilitarianism

  1. The exploitation of individuals/groups for the majority benefit
  2. Disregard for individual rights and freedoms
  3. Limited value on human life can justify unethical actions
  4. Lack of personal responsibility
  5. Ignores moral/ethical principles
  6. Lack of justice
  7. Disregard for future
  8. Lack of compassion and empathy
  9. Lack of creativity and imagination
  10. Oppression of minority groups
  11. Lack of cultural diversity
  12. Lack of creativity and innovation
  13. Lack of individual autonomy
  14. Lack of personal growth
  15. Lack of responsibility and accountability

In Detail:

  1. The exploitation of individuals/groups for majority benefit: Utilitarianism follows the idea that the greatest happiness should be pursued for society, which can, unfortunately, render certain people or groups expendable. If a minority is oppressed to make much more content, Utilitarianism will agree with this decision. For instance, if a majority in favor would be pleased by someone’s suppression and unfair treatment due to their gender or ethnicity, then utility-based reasoning will support such an act.
  2. Disregard for individual rights and freedoms: Utilitarianism centers around achieving the highest collective satisfaction for society regardless of individual rights and freedoms. To illustrate, when an individual’s fundamental liberties clash with the overall pleasure of a community, Utilitarianism will prioritize maximizing well-being despite any infringement on personal autonomy.
  3. Limited value on human life can justify unethical actions: Utilitarianism is a system that measures pleasure and joy, which can sometimes devalue human life. For instance, an action such as war or capital punishment could be justified despite its ethical unlawfulness and inhumane qualities if it leads to the greater happiness of society according to Utilitarianism’s calculations.
  4. Lack of personal responsibility: With its primary emphasis on the greatest good for society, Utilitarianism can lead to a lack of individual accountability. This means that people are not held responsible for their choices and resulting outcomes — leading to an absence of personal consequences.
  5. Ignores moral/ethical principles: Utilitarianism operates on the premise that happiness and pleasure should be maximized, which often leads to scenarios in which morally objectionable choices may become acceptable because they would unlock a better societal outcome. This means that actions deemed unethical or immoral could be justified if their consequences amount to overall joy for the collective.
  6. Lack of justice: Utilitarianism’s goal of achieving the highest possible level of happiness for society often leads to injustice. For instance, if individuals’ or minority groups’ rights and interests conflict with the common good, they may be disregarded without fair consideration. This results in an unequal environment that fails to provide equal treatment and fairness toward all citizens.
  7. Disregard for the future: Utilitarianism’s core value maximizes society’s current happiness, disregarding potential future issues. Though an action might negatively affect society and the environment, Utilitarianism validates it as moral if it increases immediate joy for all involved.
  8. Lack of compassion and empathy: Utilitarianism may seem beneficial, as it seeks to maximize society’s happiness and pleasure. However, its focus on calculating these outcomes can lead to a detrimental lack of empathy for those enduring hardship. This reduction in sensitivity towards individuals or groups gives way to an environment lacking compassion and concern for their well-being.
  9. Lack of creativity and imagination: Utilitarianism’s focus on practicality and efficiency can be detrimental to creativity and imagination. By prioritizing maximizing overall happiness, exploration of new ideas is stifled as decisions are made solely based on what has been successful before rather than exploring alternative options which could lead to groundbreaking solutions.
  10. Oppression of minority groups: Utilitarianism, which focuses on the collective well-being of society, can, unfortunately, result in discrimination and injustice directed towards minority groups. For example, their rights or aspirations may be neglected when they do not correspond to what benefits most individuals in a population. This can lead to maltreatment as well as increased inequality among different communities.
  11. Lack of cultural diversity: The utilitarianist notion of prioritizing overall happiness can dilute and lose cultural variety. By emphasizing maximizing universal pleasure, we may overlook our obligation to protect and treasure cultural uniqueness.
  12. Lack of creativity and innovation: Utilitarianism’s focus on practicality and efficiency may inhibit creativity and imagination, leading one to stick with past success rather than explore new solutions. By prioritizing maximizing overall happiness, we can miss out on the potential discoveries that come from innovating and experimenting.
  13. Lack of individual autonomy: Utilitarianism may decrease autonomy for individuals as it puts the most significant emphasis on society’s overall contentment. This can lead to majority decisions and actions superseding those of any single individual, thereby curtailing their freedom to choose independently.
  14. Lack of personal growth: Utilitarianism prioritizes society’s collective contentment, which can stifle individual growth. If an individual’s pursuits do not coincide with the general happiness of all, they may be unable to pursue their own unique goals and ambitions.
  15. Lack of responsibility and accountability: Utilitarianism prioritizes the joy of a collective rather than individual accountability. As a result, people may be less likely to take ownership of their decisions and their impacts on others.

Final Thoughts

With its roots in the Enlightenment period, when reason and individualism were on the rise, Utilitarianism has strongly impacted ethical thought throughout history. Its presence is still felt today, as it permeates our thinking about morality and ethics. From its inception into modern culture until today, Utilitarianism’s journey paints an intricate portrait of moral evolution over time.

Jeremy Bentham’s Utilitarianism, which examined the balance of pleasure and pain in decision-making, was a tremendous advancement for philosophy. Nevertheless, there were still critiques of his concepts until John Stuart Mill incorporated “higher” and “lower” pleasures into the framework. This is when Utilitarianism became immensely influential and accepted as an ethical principle among philosophers. Even though it has been highly regarded, Utilitarianism has also significantly been criticized. Detractors of utilitarianism claim that its emphasis on personal satisfaction and gauging contentment is too limited, not taking into account more meaningful principles such as equity, justice, and respect for humanity. Consequently, alternatives to traditional Utilitarianism have been developed –including rule utilitarianism– to address these criticisms.

Though it has its detractors, Utilitarianism remains an essential and influential philosophy. Its principles guide our understanding of moralities and ethics — dictating that individuals maintain their rights and freedoms while striving for progressive social reform. The legacy of Utilitarianism is immense; long after we are gone, its impact on morality will remain palpable in the lives of future generations.

Originally published at https://www.ablison.com on February 1, 2023.

