Blog that really matters

Ritvik Sapra
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2020

A publication with series about sustainable technologies.

While the world fights one of the major crisis of all times, we have many other concerns to worry about as well. We all have come across the term sustainable development at some point or the other in our lives by now. “Ah, it is such a noble topic!”, “This is a very good initiative by government.”, “Good idea about solving the increasing pollution”. These are some of the obvious statements people think, but nobody actually works.

The thing is, sustainable development is seen as a social work. For a very simple example, if someone has bought a house, nobody is going to ask if it has rainwater harvesting. Like, it’s good to have one, but it’s alright if it doesn’t. However, you will be very interested if that house has smart lock systems etc etc. This outlook regarding sustainability has got to change. Sustainable development is a whole engineering topic and study. It is science and engineering. This publication is focused solely on writing blogs about technologies like these happening around the world so that we have more ideas and project coming up in this area, and we become more aware.

Did you know a project in New York is about roadside composting which turns waste into electricity which is used to power up street lights?

Or how drones are being used for city surveillance in smart cities?

Or about the idea that talked about having fruit bearing trees on roadside so that even the homeless could get food?

No, right? These are just a fraction of what we have in mind for this publication.

We want to define a new and proper definition of sustainable development through this publication. It’s not just about planting trees and green tech. It’s more than that. When we talk about environment, it means the surrounding we live in. So sustainable development actually refers to the health of environment and also the way we humans are affected by the environment. How technology affects our life state and transforms us for the future is also an important aspect we are gonna consider.

We are very excited to start this journey! The goal is simple, talk more about technologies in sustainable development so as to give a new dimension to how people think about technology. Building and discussing tech that really matters!



Ritvik Sapra

I write because my little brain can not contain so many thoughts!