Be Supportive, Not Discouraging

Sanem Tekkaya
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2021

Throughout the years, philosophers have raised several questions about the concept of poverty and its consequences; for it is a very common lifestyle among significant communities and people get used to it without even noticing.

image by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

Allow me to introduce you poverty:

Poverty is the state where people are lacking sufficient resources to provide themselves the necessity of basic parameters of life. Years ago, we started seeing examples of poverty as lack of food, shelter, and clothing. However, in today’s World we may extend this list to unequal opportunities in education, inability to access health care services and in some cases the lack of opportunity for transportation.

Keeping in mind that it is not possible to define poverty for it is very complex and reveals itself in different situations for everyone.

I would like to kindly ask you to take a deep breath and consider your answer to the following question;

Is poverty a phenomenon which is human made?

From my point of view, just as humans have created wealth, we took role in creating poverty.

Poverty has the power to influence everyone. It might be a temporary state related to a significant situation or it might be absolute.

Governments play a huge role to ensure that no one lives in poverty and have access to human rights. However, there are endless actions that you as an individual might take when you see someone in need.

What are you doing individually to take part in ending poverty?

We are all in this together.

Here, you talk. Here, we talk.


