Sanem Tekkaya
Published in
1 min readAug 8, 2021


Unless they experience, perceive, and respond, humans and robots are extremely similar and it saddens me to think about all the injustices we consciously inflict on one another.

We have the ability to grow and change. So why don’t we take each other’s hands?

We are not born the same, but we all should have equal opportunities and be able to enjoy the satisfaction that comes with a great holiday, delicious food or anything else that is materialistic.

Image by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Why are we so self-centered? Can we truly invest on ourselves without sharing? Humans rely on one another to survive, however we continue to divide ourselves by using adjectives that we believe can define who we are. Adjectives such as: black, gay, old, women, poor…

We experience the moment and then we decide if it was good or bad and then we respond to it by sharing. We all born as a human being, let’s not die as a robot.

If we were to encourage each other to build a Circular Economy which anyone could contribute, I believe that we would be a happier and healthier community.

Reflect this on yourself, how do you respond to what you experience?

