Andy — Chun Yong — Sisui

Tang Li Ren
SUTD Alumni
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2018

We wanted to share the amazing stories and motivations behind the alumni who gave to the #SUTD25KCHALLENGE. So here are 3 of them!

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Andy Tay:

The Man Who Likes Quotes, Andy Tay, Class or 2017

Giving back to SUTD was a natural thing to do. I was one of the many who benefited from the SUTD culture and more importantly, the friends that make an impact in my life. The experience in SUTD has greatly sharped my thinking process towards education and the approach on solving problems. I was also given the opportunity to serve as a class chairman to a group of awesome friends.
I really love to make friends and to know them on a deeper level HAHAH, it is something I value a lot in my life.

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
- Theodore Roosevelt

The spirit of collaboration is something I greatly resonate. Its is something I hope can be carried on through the next generation of students. It is not sufficient that an individual flourish throughout his or her life in SUTD but it is rewarding when you see all your friends flourish together.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, GO TOGETHER”
- African Proverb

I guess the one thing that I really wanted to do in SUTD was to see how far I could go in terms of academic performances. My focus in SUTD back then was to really inspire people and to really get to know every one of them. In terms of academics, it wasn’t my priority HAHA.

Chun Yong:

Mr Big Smile Man, Chun Yong, Pioneer Batch

I wanted to help kickstart a culture of giving. Done well, the funds raised can be used to further the aim of a better world by design.

I was heavily involved with being a UTA, helping to teach physics, programming, circuits, and systems & control. I enjoyed being able to help others to learn how to apply their knowledge into inventing new things.

Meeting friends and sharing entrepreneurial ideas is what I really love to do and the idea that young people can make a difference to society and can be trusted with large opportunities is the spirit that I hope we can carry on forever.

Although I really loved my life in SUTD, everything is without some regrets. I wish I could have spent more time pursuing some ideas and pitch them to people. Just goes in line with the idea of giving opportunities back to students to do what they want to pursue.

Ngoh Sisui:

He’s Not So Emo In Real Life, Ngoh Sisui, Class of 2017

My seniors have pioneered a culture of inclusiveness through sharing (we termed it “don’t say bo jio”). This fund is an avenue for me to help the next one in line and pay it forward. I am grateful for the organisations that support our alumni fund to deepen our impact on the school.

This university has given us unforgettable impressions. Those frequent class jokes, canteen gossips, late night project ‘rushings’ and hostel fun, life mantras from our profs and countless other memories are about to stay in our minds forever. One of my fondest experiences of SUTD will always be the weeks leading to the finals where various pockets of friends get together and help each other study through the night. Those friends who have grasped the concepts taught in class will mentor and teach others who are not quite that level yet. The sense of community also exists digitally, where large group chats are created that function very much like forums. Friends were unafraid to post questions and doubts and others who could would answer them. I believe in this culture of inclusiveness and I am grateful for the supporting organisations that have made this possible.

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