Surya Ravi Kumar
SUTD Alumni
Published in
5 min readMay 24, 2018

24,000 square meters, 6 event rooms, 4 bars/restaurants, Slots room, KTV, and oh so many fitness facilities. Founded in 1954, the NUSS Guild House is a prelude to what the SUTDAA can achieve. A few of us made our way to the Kent Ridge Guild House (KRGH) a few weekends back to take a look at what they have to offer, and this is the field report, along with some discussion we had along the way.

Our host at KRGH was the ever smiling Peng Meng (according to legend, his smile waivers only when an SUTD alumnus ignores his email). Peng Meng has became a member a year after he graduated from NUS. He worked there for a period too, which is why he is helping us set up the SUTDAA.

We walked around for a bit, but it was lunchtime so we headed to the Cafe on the Ridge pretty early into our mission. We ordered our customary pizzas, still a bit awestruck by the size of the guild house. NUSS has two clubhouses, one at Kent Ridge and another at Suntec City. They also have a smaller house at Bukit Timah. Membership isn’t cheap, but for the amenities they provide, it is quite worth it. As of writing, it costs $10,000 for entrance, along with a $60 dollar subscription fee. If you are applying within 3 years of graduating with your first NUS degree, the entrance fee is $2000 instead.

I know what you’re thinking. It’s quite steep for SUTD. Plus we have no clubhouse. But 20 to 30 years down the line, this could very well be our reality. Should we make concessions for early graduates a.k.a pioneers? Should people who donate to the AA now, early stage investors if you will, get benefits others won’t? These aren’t questions for us to answer right now. There’s a long way to go before we can afford a coworking space, let alone a guild house.

Anyway, amid the beer, pizza, and satay at KRGH, we discussed a few things that could make things quite interesting in the next few weeks. Our alumni don’t know who we are (the steering committee), why we do this (foreshadowing), or what we can achieve. On that last point, we thought it would be a good idea to show them, i.e. you, what kind of events you can expect from the alumni association.

The first idea out, is the Adulting series. We are all young adults, getting used to independent life, taking a plunge into a world which has no safety nets. The association feels that guidance, both for alumni and students, in the form of talks, Q&A sessions, panel discussions or others, could be really useful. Passing this knowledge and experience down to the next few batches of students will be invaluable before their turn comes about. We will tackle subjects like personal finance, interpersonal skills, technical interviews, psychology and more. If you have any ideas, feel free to add them in the comments.

Along with the serious Adulting series, we want to have something a bit more informal, a bit chill. The idea floating around currently is to have a debate series, held at a bar. Topics can range from Avengers vs Justice League (Justice League) and Khal Drogo vs Jon Snow (Drogo), to ESD vs EPD (nope). We aim to get the faculty involved in this as well. It could be a very fun event series, so keep your eyes open for that one.

An issue we are facing right now is that there are a lot of questions regarding the association, that keep coming back at us. One way we are addressing this is through our FAQ, found here: Medium Page FAQ. We finalised this document post our discussion on the events, and it is ready for you guys to check out.

Once we were done with our meal and libations, we proceeded to continue our exploration of KRGH. Do note, all the areas I am mentioning are freely accessible to members. There is a discount on food and drinks.

First up, the KTV lounge. While we were standing outside the dimly lit room, a middle aged man was belting out a tune with complete confidence. We took a closer look and realised that there was no one else in the room, but good for him. Just down the hall from the KTV, is a slots room. We didn’t venture inside, a quick peek from outside was enough. NUSS has a gaming license, so they can have gambling (albeit only slots), on their premises.

The top floor of KRGH is where all the sports facilities are. Squash courts, Tennis courts, badminton courts, a billiards room, a table tennis room, and of course a gym. When we get a clubhouse, we are going to have to outdo this one.

If my count is right, there are 5 drinking establishments at KRGH. Plus I have it on good authority that their banquet and seminar rooms are also frequently used. They have facilities for live music, do wedding banquets and are available to any member for booking.

The second floor of the main hall of KRGH features portraits of all the presidents of the NUSS since its founding. There are also plaques on the first and second floor with the names of big contributors and their donations. This is a model that we are also considering, and most likely will have, starting at our Alumni Lounge. Want your name up in an old building for eternity? Donate here!.

Well, that’s the end of this field report. NUSS has been around for more than 50 years which is why they can have such incredible amenities. But there was a first mover there, possibly a steering committee, who started it. We have the unique opportunity to start something that could outlast all of us. An institution that not only makes SUTD more prestigious, but also increases the value of its graduates. Our SUTD life shouldn’t stop on graduation. If you wanted to know why we do this, there’s your answer.



Surya Ravi Kumar
SUTD Alumni

Interested in Sustainability, Design, and Economics.