Tutorial | How to convert your Anonymous Punk NFT to ERC721 format

Suter Chef
Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2021

Hi folks!

This is the tutorial to convert your Anonymous Punk NFT to ERC721 format.

Follow the tutorial step by step, you will be able to trade your Suter NFT Avatar using your Metamask wallet.

Here are some tips for you:

  1. This tutorial illustrates the steps with the Metamask wallet. You can also convert your NFT similarly with your TP wallet.
  2. Since the steps require you to switch webpages and copy&paste a lot, we strongly recommend you to use a desktop or laptop instead of a mobile phone to complete the steps.
  3. Please do make sure to copy and save all the necessary information whenever there is a pop-up message saying “copy and save” in the tutorial.

The conversion includes six steps:

  1. Check your NFT number
  2. Register a proxy address in the wrapPunk contract
  3. Query your registered proxy address
  4. Transfer your NFT to the proxy address
  5. Run the wrapPunk contract to mint your NFT
  6. Add your NFT to your metamask wallet

Here is how it works

Step 1: Check your NFT serial number

“If you already know your NFT number, you can skip step 1. But we strongly recommend you to check your serial number before you move onto the next step, otherwise you might input the wrong number in the following steps and waste your gas fee.”


Enter the following address to your browser



Click Read Contract


Find the third function under Read Contract, enter the wallet address of your Anonymous Punk NFT, click query to get your NFT serial number. Copy and save your serial number.

As shown in the figure below, the NFT number in this test is “6”


Close the Tab

Step 2: Register a proxy address in the WrapPunk contract


Enter the address in the browser:



Select Write Contract, click Connect to Web3 to link your metamask wallet, make sure that the linked wallet address is the address bound to your NFT.


Select the 12th function, click Write


Close this tab

Step 3: Query the registered proxy address


Enter the address in the browser:


Select Read Contract


Select the 13th function, fill in the wallet address of your Anonymous Punk NFT, click query, copy and save the proxy address you receive.


Close this tab.

Step 4: Transfer your NFT to the proxy address


Enter the address in the browser:



Select Write Contract, click Connect to Web3 to link your metamask wallet. Make sure that the linked wallet address is the address bound to your NFT.


Select the 11th function, fill in the proxy address you just saved in Step 3.2 and the NFT serial number you just saved in step 1.3, and click Write.


Close this tab.

Step 5: Run WrapPunk contract to Mint your NFT


Enter the address in the browser.



Select Write Contract, click Connect to Web3 to link to metamask, make sure the linked wallet address is the address binding to your NFT.


Select the 9th function, fill in the NFT serial number that you saved in step 1.3, and click write


Close this tab.

Step 6: Add your NFT to your metamask wallet


Open your metamask wallet address and click “Add tokens”.

Copy and paste the following contract address:



Congratulations, now you can find the Anonymous Punk NFT in the form of ERC721 token in your wallet 🎉

