Weekly Report Suterusu 2021 Week 38 Summary

Suter Chef
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2021

Research and development progress


Suter Shield FTM officially launched on the Fantom mainnet and is currently on the test run.


Deployed a front-end webpage that allows the conversion of Anonymous Punk NFT to ERC721 format


Implement a new functionality that allows clicking on the Anonymous Punk avatar to generate a high-definition image


Developed and deployed Invisibility cloak on Fantom.

Events & News


Suter Shield FTM officially launched on the Fantom mainnet. You can visit ftmshield.suterusu.io to try out the private transfer service on the Fantom network.


We made the following updates to the Anonymous Punk NFT.

2.21. Support downloading a high-definition picture of Suter avatar

You can currently click on the enlarged avatar and choose to download the 1024px high-definition large image.

2.22. Support quick conversion of ERC721 format

You can go to https://bscshield.suterusu.io , connect your wallet address with Anonymous Punk NFT, click on the avatar, select “Convert ERC721” and follow the instructions to complete the process.

After the conversion is done, open your metamask wallet address and click to add tokens.

Copy and paste the following contract address:


2.23. Support Suter NFT market trading.

You can go directly to https://treasureland.market/ to trade your Anonymous Punk NFT.

You can also click on your NFT avatar on https://bscshield.suterusu.io, click Trade, click to jump to Treasure Land, connect to your wallet, find your Anonymous Punk NFT on the “My Homepage” page, click Sell, and choose the price.

Users in the trading market already list some SuterNFTs. We wish you all the success in selling/buying your favorite Anonymous Punk NFT.


You can now start minting the game-related NFT we launched for the well-known game Rarity, Invisibility cloak.


The invisibility cloak is a privacy type equipment specially tailored for Rarity players by Suterusu Protocol to increase the agility attribute, which fits with the privacy layer-2 protocol positioning of the Suterusu protocol.

There are four types of invisibility cloaks, “Ordinary “, “Premium “,”Rare “,”Epic “, corresponding to the increase of Dex attributes to +10%, +20%, +30%, +40%.

A total of 20,000 cloaks are issued, and the rare probability is Ordinary 60%, Premium 20%, Rare 15%, and Epic 5%.

Event preview


Dr. Lin will participate in the AMA event organized by Binance for MVB. The event time is Sept 29, 1 pm UTC. You can follow our Twitter to enter the AMA venue at the corresponding time.

Project statistics

