Weekly Report Suterusu 2021 Week 42 Summary

Suter Chef
Published in
Oct 25, 2021

Suterusu, leading multi-chain privacy infrastructure

Research and development progress


As mentioned before, we have submitted one paper to a top security conference. Unfortunately it has been rejected. We are working on improving this work.


Researched the Near main-net and Continue trying to deploy Suter Shield on the Near test-net.


Try deployed Suter Shield on Avalanche’s test-net

Events & News


Suterusu enters into a technology strategic partnership with Celestial.

Integrate Suterusu’s ZK-Consnark technology in Celestial, allowing players to hide their coordinates. Combine #Metaverse and #Web3.0 privacy protection technology, will be a major crossover innovation for both of us.

Celestial is a blockchain metaverse Starwars game that combines GameFi+SocialFi+NFTSwap, first released on OEC recently.

Event preview


There are currently no new notices. Please stay tuned

Project statistics

