Goodbye, 2022

About work and life

Suyeon Kang
4 min readDec 25, 2022



I’ve focused on developing features of Log Monitoring in 2022. The team was reorganized into a task group. Members in each task group are in charge of the monitoring product(e.g. APM, Log, Kubernetes, RUM) and have ownership of it. My task group is Log/Billing.

Log Monitoring

I maintained and added new features to log monitoring. Log monitoring consists of live tail, log search, log explorer, integrated log search, log parser, log event, and log setting. It was the first time I had a chance to develop a specific monitoring product, so I made an effort to deeply understand the log. I created a server that piles up logs and monitored it using other company’s log monitoring solution as a reference. I learned how to use and configure multiple log libraries during this process.

Log Explorer(left), Live Tail(right)
Log Parser(left), Log Event(right)

More Information about Log Monitoring

Other features

Testing and clean code

I am always interested in writing clean code. I think that the clean code is like a book. Bestseller books deliver the author's thoughts elegantly in a very clear way. The main feature of these best-selling books is that the authors kindly explain which elements cause specific historical events and tiny details, and do not suppose that all readers have the basic scientific knowledge that comprises the main pillar of the book. I think the clean code should be like that. I always strive to write a predictable code such that the purpose of the code is easily understood by the readers, like best-selling books.

I implemented unit test using Jest and Storybook for UI. I also refactored complicated and messy code on a regular basis by increasing the abstraction level and separating the code based on their concerns, sometimes, applying design patterns.


I had a good opportunity to interview working as a frontend developer in WhatapLabs on a recruiting platform called Jumpit. You can read the interview here.

Developer Interview, Jumpit

What I studied

  • Recap CS knowledges(Operating System, Algorithm, Network)
  • Design Pattern (Head First Design Patterns)
  • Micro-frontend, Monorepo
  • Java and Spring boot for server
  • Toy project using Node.js, Docker, MySQL, Redis, Jest, and Swagger.
  • Storybook and Unit test by Jest

In 2022, I focused on studying the server side and algorithm. Learning various algorithms was so fun. The algorithm exists everywhere. Next year, I will study Kubernetes, Go language, and Microservices(with spring-cloud-eureka). very excited. I am really grateful for learning new things.


There were many tragedies in 2022. Many people suffered from Covid-19, floods in Seoul, and Itaewon crush. I realized that the things I took for granted were in fact not granted to me. This year was harsh for me in terms of my personal life. I went through a bad family thing. Sometimes I was overwhelmed but I just carried on. I am ready and willing to accept any suffering. Ordinary life is precious so we should cherish it. We all live an ephemeral and transient life that is precious and beautiful despite the absurdly short persistency compared the the near infinite time span of the universe.

A trip with mom

I had a trip to Jeju Island with my mom and it was my first trip with my mom. Everything was warm and nice. I used to travel alone and loved traveling by myself. But I will try to build beautiful memories with my mom in the future.

in Jeju-island


I thought I should do something fun every year. It was hiking in 2022! I did love it, especially, a snow-mountain. Hiking was like a meditation. It gave me a room to clear my mind.

Jirisan(left), Hallasan(middle), Seoraksan(right)

What I read

I removed SNS from my mobile and really enjoyed it. It made me read more books. Below is the list of books that I read during 2022.

what I read in 2022

Thank you for reading my retrospect. I hope you guys happy 2023. Let’s do something fun. Love and light.

