Suzy Bud is Learning to Prune My Cannabis

Pruning cannabis properly will help make bigger buds.

A bushy cannabis plant with a blue sky in the background.

Trimming extra leaves helps promote good air circulation, fewer pests, and less chance of your plant getting moldy.

Tomorrow, I will grab my trimmers, sit on my little chair, and trim my marijuana. I do not know why I get so nervous doing this. I will watch these again tomorrow morning and get chopping.

I highly recommend “How to Top or Fim a Cannabis Plant- Topping Guide” by Lex Blazer. — Due to an ‘age-gate’, the video will not play. I recommend watching this one first.

How To Top or FIM A Cannabis Plant — Topping Guide

Here is another YouTube video, but the age restriction would not allow it to open. “How to Trim Cannabis Plants Before Flowering” by Uptowngrowlab’s Jay Kitchen

It is so funny because growing quality cannabis takes time, knowledge, and patience. There is no stereotypical lazy stoner.

More tomorrow. I will even attempt to take a few videos.



SuStella Writer, Artist, Traveler, Always Curious*
Suzy Bud’s Cannabis Lovers Lounge

My life has been a non-stop adventure that revolves around travel, art and writing. As time slows me a bit, I am delighted to share my stories with the world.