Another True Weed Story with Suzy Bud-The Pet Portrait Painting Party

Luckily, My Stoner Angels were on Working Overtime

I am an artist, so every time someone has a fundraiser, I am requested to donate a painting. My friend suggested donating a class for up to five people instead of a painting. We thought that would bring me better publicity. So I offered a ‘Pet Portrait Painting Class.’ By the end of the night, Jen won the bid.

A few months later, I received a phone call from Jen stating that the group had cashed her check but had not scheduled the class. I assured her that the scheduler would be in on Monday and would help her out. Things got messed up, and the December fundraiser winner prize dragged into April. Eventually, I found out that the scheduler was off on medical leave.

After a few minutes of thinking, I decided I could easily fit five people in my living room to paint. We picked a day in May, hung up the phone, and I immediately forgot about it.

At that moment in our lives, Curt (sweetie) had bought a second house ten blocks away. We lived in his house and created art at my house. So, on a lovely May morning, we decided to go to my studio house. We almost went to the thrift shop, but at the last minute, we decided to go to the studio house, smoke a joint, and then work.

We pulled into the side driveway and went into the house. Breaking our routine, I decided to put on a pot of coffee before we lit up a fattie.

“There is a guy out front with a tray and a lady with 2 big bottles of champagne!” Yelled Curt. Jen had champagne, snacks and a great attitude.

“Holy moly! It’s that Pet Portrait Painting Class”. Aside from being unprepared, I did not have enough canvas of the same size, and nothing was ready. I do not use brown paint, so I had to mix a few batches.

Everyone began arriving as I was scrambling. Since most people are uncomfortable sketching, I started drawing each person’s pet as fast as possible. As my fingers moved and my heart stopped pounding, I tuned into the conversation around me. This is what I heard.

Yeah, last week we did a drug raid at the high school and had to arrest a few kids. Man, you should have seen their faces.” They all started laughing. “It was just a few joints in their locker, but the law is the law.

As the conversation continued about local weed busts, I discovered that they were all cops or married to cops.

My heart started pounding again as I realized that I could have been a news story. “Pot Bust at Pet Portrait Party, film at eleven.”



SuStella Writer, Artist, Traveler, Always Curious*
Suzy Bud’s Cannabis Lovers Lounge

My life has been a non-stop adventure that revolves around travel, art and writing. As time slows me a bit, I am delighted to share my stories with the world.