Five Essential Skills for students to Stand Out

Published in
4 min readNov 3, 2017

pavan kumar tulsija, Guest Post

The advent of Automation! The rise of AI! 8 Lakh engineers passing out every year! The job market will crash! You are USELESS! Blah! There are enough facts and stats like these out there on the internet turning most of us into insomniacs. Worry not. If you’ve browsed this article, you are among the 5% people who are aware of what’s going on around us. We live in an era where automated supermarkets, driverless cars have become a reality.

With technological innovation expanding its horizons at speed of light, the need for awareness and preparedness is at an all-time high. Do not mistake preparedness with any rocket science. It is just a gradual process of nurturing some important skills over a period of time.

No wild guesses needed for the burning question arising in all your minds right now. What are those skills?

Ace the fundamentals

Most of the high profile products that you see today in every domain are all built on the same base, the age-old fundamentals. The importance of fundamentals is often undermined. Do not give yourself an excuse to escape them.

If you are someone aspiring to make it big in the IT Industry, it’s high time you say Hello to Discrete Maths, Algorithms Design, Operating Systems, Data etc., If you are from a statistics background, bet your lives on Dependence, Inference, Data Collection Methodology, Computational Complexity etc.,

Don’t be one in the herd of sheep that complain about lack of resources. Be your own teacher, counselor. Hit the library. Dive deep into the sea named Internet. Our generation is lucky to have the likes of Coursera, EdX, Udemy etc., Do whatever it takes to ‘Ace ‘the Fundamentals.


The ghosts of automation, the advent of new technologies is not new to us. Along with some visible transformations in the type of work, a change in the workplace is also imminent. The beauty lies in foreseeing the good even in testing times.

Instead of whining about how these changes are going to make life miserable, shift the focus onto how the new trends can enrich your work life. For instance, if there’s a new trend in UI, go grab the monitor and get familiar with its implementation.

Buzz the opportunist in you on a daily basis. Till the time you feel that you are no longer displaced by new phenomena around you. Make it a habit coz you’ll see a lot of this in near future.

Get your hands Dirty! Early!

With the evolving nature of technology, there’s a growing need for raw talent and recruiters are easily one of the most important people around. Firms these days look for candidates with sound knowledge of fundamentals as well as basic understanding of latest trends.

If you are someone who’s enticed by data, go immerse yourself into tools like MS Excel till all the options are explored. If you are the Database guy, build a sample data model. If you are an aspiring techie, flaunt your skills on a tech blog. Does Automation scare you? Learn the basics of most frequently used automation tools.

If you have the knowledge, great! If you can show off that knowledge to your benefit, recruiters will love you! Those jealous of you might call you a Windbag but Hey! You’re getting your job done. That’s more important.


Your voice is something which cannot be automated and will remain authentic with you forever. A worldwide survey says that 75% of worldwide population suffers from glossophobia (fear of public speaking).

Communication is all about conveying your ideas to the other person in an effective way. With the changing demographics, Global nature of businesses, the need for effective communication has increased exponentially. You have the knowledge. You have this killer tech idea that you feel can change things around. It is completely void if you don’t have the words to express it to a wider audience.

Whether it’s a public speaking forum, the student activity center at your college or in your personal life, make constant efforts to master the art of communication. Both Verbal and Written.

Entrepreneurial Acumen

A candidate with a negative, contemporary mindset is the last thing any firm would look forward to. Someone with a growth mindset, a proactive nature, and an innovative mind will always be the apple of every recruiter’s eye. The belief that you can accomplish this task or master this new module is paramount.

One thing that’s prone to happen with the advent of advanced technology is, the changing nature of work and a lot of ambiguity at workplace. A proactive, innovative mind will find a way to embrace this and figure out solutions. A person with such unprecedented problem-solving skill will be in high demand.

Take ownership of tasks from early days in your college. Solve case studies on a regular basis in your area of interest. For, the creativity, innovation and the entrepreneurial mindset to be precise, isn’t cultivated in a day.

#StartEarly #StartInCollege #StartatSV

How many of these skills are you going to work on, in the coming days? The change is inevitable. Whether it is good or bad, depends on how you perceive it. Darwin’s theory says that it is Survival of the fittest. But a slightly modified version “It’s the Survival of the Smartest “suits us better. It’s never too late to move in the right direction.

“Each step you take reveals a new horizon. You have taken the first step today. Now, I challenge you to take another. “– Dan Poynter



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