Fat To Fit — Diet Plan For Indian Women

Bharath Varma Avs
Published in
4 min readJan 6, 2018

Excess weight has been the prime pain point for most of the Indian women. Even in a country where most of the women are confined to household works, the amount of weight gained by women in most of the Indian regions is high.

The nation is being developed on a very fast rate where working women have shifted their focus to workout, yoga and other health practices.

So in order to make sure every Indian women is aware of a healthy diet system, we have taken the initiative to bring forward a healthy diet plan for women who hit the gym in order to reduce body fat and become slim and fit.

If you wish to lose weight you have to prefer a diet which has low calorie value. In short words, you have to prefer a calorie deficit diet which consists of 6 meals per day. Lets have a look at the diet plan for women to lose excess weight and fat.

Meal 1

Whole grain cereals with fat free milk

Cereals and cereal products are important sources of energy, carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, vitamin E, a bit of vitamin B, sodium, magnesium, zinc and also other micro nutrients.

Fat free milk makes sure that there is no fat involved and helps your diet plan resist fats that add any extra weight to the body.

Whole grain cereals for women to lose weight and fat

1 egg white and 1 full egg

Meal 2

Protein drink

As the diet only includes food which is calorie deficit, the body needs some sort of energy in order to keep the exercises going. So a protein drink is necessary for anyone who has a mission to cut weight.



Walnuts, Almonds, Cashews and Peanuts etc. are nutrient rich food that contribute to a very healthy diet.

Meal 3

Chicken breast or black beans

Chicken breasts are one of the best source of lean protein.

Chicken Breast

Many consider back beans in a weight cutting diet due to its low fat and high fiber content.

Large portion of garden salad with 1/2 spoon of olive oil

Most veggies have just 25 calories per 1/2-cup serving and are packed with vitamins and minerals. So a salad is always a good choice to be added.

Garden Salad for women

Olive Oil is mainly popular for its friendly fat nature. It also supports healthy cholesterol levels and is a perfect option for a weight cut diet plan.

Meal 4

4–5 Strawberries and a half handful of peanuts

One serving of strawberries contains 51.5 mg of vitamin C and are a source of fiber. Straw berries consist of few calories (about 28 per serving), no lipids and are low in sodium. It contains natural sugars but the total sugar content is low as 4 g per serving.

Strawberries to cut weight in women

3 Egg whites

Meal 5

Protein drink


Meal 6


Fish has low fat, low calories and is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids

Tuna for women to lose weight


Broccoli is the best of low carbohydrate vegetables and contains Vitamin C, calcium, folate, iron, fiber, potassium, and Vitamin K

Broccoli for women to lose weight

Large garden salad with 1/2 spoon of olive oil

Bonus Tip

Drink 10–12 glasses of water without fail and get 7–8 hours sleep daily.

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