ImmediAid: Being Agile in Buiness

Describing the Problem

Kacy Chou
2 min readJul 6, 2016


Sudden cardiac death is the biggest cause of death among adults in the US and one of the most important considerations is response time. Each year, 326,200 in the US experience SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) and 9.5 out of 10 victims die. One of the main reasons for this is the relatively long response time of the emergency services (approx. 10 minutes), while death and fatalities occur within three to five minutes. If SCA victims are treated with immediate CPR and AED , 4 out of 10 victims survive. Moreover, a drone can get a AED to the victim within a 12 km2 zone within one minute. This response speed increases the chance of survival following a cardiac arrest from 5 percent to 80 percent.” However, there are legal barriers to a widespread deployment of a drone in the United States.

How does ImmediAid work?

ImmediAid is a Software as a service (SaaS) solution designed to improve sudden cardiac arrest survival rates. Our application alerts professionals with ACE verified qualifications (First-aid qualification) of the emergency nearby to provide life-saving assistance to victims of sudden cardiac arrest before the ambulance arrives

Inspired by this idea, the core functionality of our application is to notify professionals around the emergency area when the emergency centre registers the case on our platform. In the next stage, we plan to design a drone to be deployed when the emergency centre receives a cardiac arrest call. Transporting the AED device via a drone can in theory arrive at the scene faster than an ambulance due to unconstrained traffic and roads.

However, we have recently discovered an app: Pulsepoint, which provides very similar service to ImmediAid. Therefore, we have evolved our idea and pivoted the business model accordingly. After rounds of discussions and debate, our team has made adaptations and shifted to focus on the problem of long response time after an accident, which is majorly suffered by the elderly and disabled who live alone. Existing solutions only contact a few designated people but they may not be able to check in time.

Therefore our app aims to alert by-passers nearby and improve the rate of survival through early patient discovery. We have considered Pulsepoint as one of our core partners.

After all being agile and flexible is a huge key to success, we look forward to working together, unleashing our creativity and stretching our limits.


Regarding the business model canvas, some elements are crossed out because

  1. They are already achieved by PulsePoint and no longer fits our specification
  2. The “introduction of drones” is impossible to achieve in short term due to legal barriers.

