Week 3 — New VPs and a logo!

Nicolai Rasmussen
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2016

The NoiseCrunch team has interviewed more people in the last week in order to get more clarity and improvization on our value proposition. We as a team believe that no human being can work in a place where he or she isn’t comfortable and comfort here means eliminating their worst enemy which certainly happens to be ‘noise’. In very general terms it hampers their productivity, creativity, focus and so much more and no, it’s not a notoriously generic view.

Every existing player in the market is offering old school stuff to their clients which itself reflects the market opportunity. We are also in touch with universities for their generous advice and consultation and we believe there is a far better solution to this problem than what already is being offered in the market.

Sound masking is a very common thing we hear about when it comes to workspace noise reductions but various researches have also proved the nose cancellation technique to be effective provided the circumstances are in favor.

We have narrowed our value propositions for a better understanding of what we are offering to our clients in the market. We emphasize on privacy and productivity aspect related to noise distractions which encircles various other relevant issues like dress, focus, conspiracies, etc and are certain with our new and refined sets of value propositions.

Furthermore, the team have put a great effort into construction a logo to our coming presentation. You can get a little hint of it below.



Nicolai Rasmussen
Writer for

Auditor, entrepreneur, ironman, runner, mountaineer, and much more!