5 June 2020 | Patience

Shreyas Joshi
SVJ's Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2020

Originally published on Wordpress

5 June 2020

One Quote

“Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answers. They cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

I can’t deny the fact anymore that I am growing older and will soon not be as free anymore (or without responsibilities). The one virtue which I am hoping to acquire / develop is patience — I feel I have become too talkative, and want to let go of the unfortunate habit of saying something on every subject and at every opportunity.

I want to be more of a friend and less of a wisdom-imparting-machine — for I realise that it’s easy to give advice, but very difficult to follow it. And it’s okay to be imperfect, sometimes people need a sounding board, rather than a advice-spewing-echo-chamber.

I want to learn the art of conciseness — getting away from providing too much details, and not getting to the point sooner.

I want the patience to listen to others — their complaints, their life stories — and hope to make them feel better afterwards and want to learn how to be silent on my own troubles — they are increasing with time and I don’t want the inclination to recount them to rise.

One Song

Something about this song is soothing for me. I don’t know what is art and what is trash — why some people connect to some things and not to others. I read a John Green quote recently which said something similar along the lines of not creating content to make money — no amount of money earned will ever be enough. And don’t become an artist to get famous — because no one ever feels famous enough.

Create for people — and work hard while crafting your art. Maybe people will notice your art, maybe they won’t even know how hard you worked for it. Lack of recognition and appreciation might be frustrating, but always remember — your responsibility is not to the people you’re creating the art for, but to the craft itself. And patience is the one underlying quality which will enable you to be able to do just that.

Sometimes I get so tense but I can’t speed up the time
But you know love there’s one more thing to consider

Said “woman take it slow and things will be just fine”
You and I’ll just use a little patience

One movie scene

And maybe I don’t want to be a romantic as Veer in Veer-Zaara, but if my memory cannot be improved, please grant me more humility and less arrogance or reduced self-assurance when my memories don’t agree with those of others. I have learnt the lesson that I am, on more occasions than I care to admit, in the wrong, in some degree.

I don’t want to be an old man full of regrets. I also don’t want to be a young man living just for myself. I also want the best days to be ahead of me, even though the golden days might be behind. :)

“Main Qaidi number 786” is life distilled in a poem. The world needs more kindness and patience. May we experience it in our lifetime.

Keep me reasonably idealistic. I do not want to become a saint who renounces the world, not for myself, but because it is very hard to live with such a person, and I do have people depending on me to be engaged in worldly affairs for quite a while.

I want to learn how to be sympathetic without being sentimental, how to be helpful without being bossy. Let me discover the innocence and naivety I somewhere lost as I grew up, let me recover long-lost notions when I have not intentionally discarded them, and love for people whom I had thought are no longer in need of it from me. And give me the grace to be able to convey it completely and simply to all of such people.

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Shreyas Joshi
SVJ's Blog

Aspiring writer || VNIT -> Goldman Sachs -> IIM B -> OYO -> Sixt || jondoe297svj.wordpress.com