My favourite picks from the archive

Shreyas Joshi
SVJ's Blog
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1 min readJun 3, 2020

Recently I completed half a century of published posts on my original blog in WordPress (note to self: need to import all the older blogs to Medium).

Although I am focussing currently on getting into the habit of writing daily, so length and quality of blogs is definitely taking a hit.

On this occasion, in case you haven’t read it (or if you have read and already forgotten about them) — would be wonderful if you could take the time out and revisit what I feel are some of my best writings.

#1 Failure, back when scoring low grades was a catastrophic event in my life.

-> An even earlier post, much more of a listicle than a blog article | Few things I learnt in college (and from life, in general)

#2 On a similar note, not a ‘series’ per se, but an angsty (young adult? But 21-year-old) teenager’s view on What is Love?

-> Part 1 (Friendship) | Part 2 & Part 3 on WordPress, will import them to Medium over the week, and those will be part of the next weekly newsletter.

Happy reading! And keep critiquing. While positive feedback is welcome always, negative feedback is much needed and will be highly appreciated. :)



Shreyas Joshi
SVJ's Blog

Aspiring writer || VNIT -> Goldman Sachs -> IIM B -> OYO -> Sixt ||