Social Networking on the Blockchain

Just a couple of years ago, the idea of a decentralised way of communicating was far from the standard and thinkable possibility in most peoples mind.

3 min readJun 22, 2018


Even watching the effort of several Social Platforms, encrypting messaging and updating their Privacy Policies, users are still lacking trust & transparency online.

Just recently a new article was published by the public relations firm Edelman, presenting numbers from a study carried out in 2017 stating that “Sixty percent (of participants in the study) do not trust social media platforms to behave responsibly with user data. Forty percent said they have deleted at least one social media account in the past year because they did not trust the platform to treat personal information properly”

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These are serious statistics, and we are certain that there are even higher “non-trackable” numbers related to the issues of trust across Social Media Platforms.

Online consumers are outraged by the latest scandals occurred in several companies where they have been misusing users private information for own beneficial objectives.

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We would all love the time for our users to read through one and every single Privacy Policy, Terms of Sale and Conditions to every movement we make online, but is this way of securing our users enough?

Have we perhaps moved into another sphere of Online Security based on the past events of information abuse?

Many speculators are stating that new inventions will soon replace the traditional way of securing user information. Blockchain being one of them is just truly a state of fact, as whole nations are now looking into moving funds and transactions over the blockchain.

“Cryptocurrency and blockchain collectables are also influencing the future of social media. Significant interest in the crypto collectable sector is arising, with early movers raising millions.” —

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Social Media is already being shaped on blockchain technology, and utilising cryptocurrencies for user incentivisation. It is too late to rely on traditional ways to interact with our clients, customers, users and networks.

We ask for full trust, and we should therefore provide transparent solutions, where product suppliers openly invites their users to share company information, transactions, movements and rights.

“Blockchain has the potential to change social media marketing for the better. It makes sense, given that the biggest challenge on social media for marketers is the lack of transparency and reliability, which blockchain technology eliminates. In this way, social media marketing has come a full circle, from empowering users to platforms and individuals back again, thanks to blockchain technology.” CEO of Blackmore Group, Phillip Nunn

Read 5 blockchain trends influencing the future of social media marketing and get amazed of the Blockchain Revolution too!



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The SVPER App imitates the real-world process of meeting new people more accurately than ever before and rewards its members through a tokenized economy.