The Wellness Wilderness

SW Well
SW Well
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2018

I’ve started this journey as a bit of a weekend wellness warrior. My weekdays are filled with part time office work, running a household, being a mum to 2 and a wife to 1. It’s hard to find the space for just me. When I can, I’m at the gym, checking out a cool yoga or pilates studio, obsessing over plant based foods, wondering if plastic is recyclable and…. oh yes, trying to find a moment to meditate.

My intent, here, is to share, grow and hopefully inspire others to carve out their own space, to achieve wellness, in whatever form that takes.

Back in the day (pre kids) I was a bit of a yoga junkie. I had a stressful, demanding job so yoga was a bit of a tonic. I loved the 6am mysore Ashtanga yoga classes, all about discipline and breath, arguably yoga in its purist form. It’s just you and the mat. I was so passionate, I completed my yoga teacher training and taught yoga for several years. But bizarrely, I didn’t enjoy being a yoga teacher. I missed doing yoga. I didn’t feel experienced or confident enough to lead. I hadn’t found my guru. So I took a break and fell off the yoga wagon.

I’ve always struggled a little with food. I have a Chinese background so possibly it’s in the genes — the Chinese didn’t grow wheat or raise cows. I can happily eat bowlfuls of rice but too much bread or milk doesn’t sit well. I don’t have a label that I use yet — I don’t call myself a vegan and yet I largely eat a vegan diet. I guess I’m really enjoying the growth in foods that are more natural, whole foods. I love that chefs are doing really interesting things with vegetables and the proliferation of dairy substitutes at groceries. Eating well is energising. Of course, if I’m in the mood, I’ll enjoy an ice cream, because it makes me happy.

I worry about the future, the kind of footprint I’m leaving and the footpath I’m laying for my children. Doing things consciously and sustainably feels important. Achieving wellness for myself alone feels inadequate. I’m seeking the opportunity to contribute to my community, to reduce waste and to leave the planet in a more balanced state.

Today however is a constant juggle of school pick ups, housework, work and relationships. Stress is a constant hum in the background, a reminder to check in on one’s life balance. I’m hoping my weekend wellness warrior can morph into awesome ashtangi again one day. Meanwhile, I plan to enjoy the journey. I hope you jump on the wagon too.

