The DeFi Innovation Timeline

DeFi 2.0/3.0: Where Are We in the Innovation Cycle?

The world of decentralized finance (DeFi) has experienced tremendous growth and innovation since its inception in 2018. With new protocols, platforms, and applications continuously emerging, it’s essential to understand where we stand in the innovation cycle. This article delves into the progression from DeFi 1.0 to DeFi 2.0, and the ongoing transition to DeFi 3.0. We’ll discuss the key trends and developments shaping this space for experienced users of crypto who seek to keep up with the latest in the DeFi landscape.
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7 min readMar 23, 2023


Reimagining the Financial System

The world of decentralized finance (DeFi) has embarked on a journey to reinvent the financial system from the ground up. This ambitious endeavor, while promising to democratize finance and promote financial inclusion, is bound to be a long and challenging road, as we learn from past experiences and push the boundaries of innovation.

The Evolution of DeFI

The Evolution of DeFi

— DeFi 1.0: The Early Days

DeFi 1.0 was the initial stage of the decentralized finance movement, marked by the introduction of basic building blocks for financial services on the blockchain. This phase was characterized by:

  • The rise of stablecoins like Tether (USDT), USD Coin (USDC), and DAI provided a stable store of value and facilitate transactions in the DeFi ecosystem.
  • The creation of decentralized exchanges (DEXs) such as Uniswap and Kyber Network, enabled peer-to-peer trading without the need for centralized intermediaries.
  • The emergence of lending and borrowing platforms like AAVE, Compound, and MakerDAO, allowed users to earn interest on their crypto assets or borrow against them.
  • The introduction of liquidity mining and yield farming, incentivized users to provide liquidity to DeFi platforms by rewarding them with governance tokens. This was a major driver of innovation at the time and drove TVL (Total Value locked) from hundreds of millions to tens of billions.

— DeFi 2.0: Scaling and Interoperability

DeFi 2.0 has been about addressing the limitations of DeFi 1.0 while expanding its capabilities. The importance of each phase is critical. Builders take learnings from the previous and apply them to the next. Without this ongoing innovation, much of the current protocols and infrastructure wouldn’t be possible.

Key features of DeFi 2.0 include:

  • Layer 2 solutions and sidechains (e.g., Optimism, Arbitrum, and Polygon) for improved scalability, lower fees, and faster transaction times.
  • Cross-chain interoperability, enabling seamless interaction between different blockchains, facilitated by projects like Cosmos, Polkadot, and Chainlink.
  • Enhanced yield farming strategies, enabled by platforms such as Yearn Finance and Harvest Finance, optimize yield farming opportunities for users.
  • Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) gaining prominence, empowering communities to govern DeFi protocols collectively.

DeFi 2.0 brought about significant innovations and improvements, but it was not without its challenges. A notable issue was the rise of Ponzi schemes, such as Luna, which triggered the evaporation of $40bn of value. Another example is Celsius, the now-bankrupt crypto lender ran into serious issues and began using customer assets to fund operational expenses and rewards. The other major issue was the poor levels of risk management that affected this period.

The Emergence of DeFi 3.0

DeFi 3.0 represents the next phase of the decentralized finance ecosystem, driven by a focus on security, privacy, composability, and ease of use. While still in its early stages, DeFi 3.0 aims to make the space more accessible, efficient, and sustainable.

DeFi 3.0: Core Offerings and the Next Frontier

DeFi 3.0 aims to address the shortcomings of previous iterations while introducing groundbreaking innovations that unlock new possibilities. Key offerings in DeFi 3.0 include the following projects:

Swaap and Morpho: 10x Improvement of Existing Primitives

Swaap and Morpho are two projects that focus on significantly enhancing existing DeFi primitives. Morpho aims to revolutionize lending and borrowing by introducing a more efficient and flexible mechanism that reduces inefficiencies and optimizes capital utilization. Swaap, on the other hand, tackles the impermanent loss issue in AMMs by implementing a dynamic and adaptive market-making strategy that dramatically improves performance.

IPOR: Development of New Primitives for Credit Markets

IPOR (Inter-Protocol Overblock Rate) seeks to develop new financial primitives such as a benchmark interest rate for DeFi which can be used to build out a yield curve in credit markets, and interest rate derivatives so market participants can hedge their rate risk. The protocol borrows concepts from TradFi such as a risk-free benchmark rate and interest rate swaps and combines them with the best of DeFi. The index uses transparent smart contract calls to print an on-chain rate to structure deals and derivatives, peer-to-pool market architecture, and a bespoke AMM for trading interest rates. The introduction of such tools could be fundamental to building a mature fixed-income market and extending the durations of instruments making DeFi useful not only for flash loans but someday home loans.

Challenges and the Road Ahead for DeFi

— Composable Finance

Composable finance is another defining characteristic of DeFi 3.0. It refers to the seamless integration and interaction of various DeFi applications and protocols, allowing users to create custom financial products and services. This "money lego" approach enhances innovation by enabling developers to build on existing protocols rather than starting from scratch.

Notable projects that embody composability include Instadapp, a DeFi management platform that allows users to access multiple DeFi protocols through a single interface.

— Institutional Adoption and Regulatory Compliance

The DeFi 3.0 era is expected to see increased institutional adoption as traditional financial institutions recognize the potential of decentralized finance. In response, several DeFi platforms are developing solutions that cater to institutional investors and ensure regulatory compliance.

For instance, projects like Fireblocks, a digital asset custody and transfer platform, and Anchorage, a regulated digital asset platform, are bridging the gap between traditional finance and DeFi. Moreover, some DeFi protocols are working on KYC/AML (Know Your Customer/Anti-Money Laundering) integration to meet regulatory requirements and attract institutional capital.

— Security Concerns

Despite the advancements in DeFi, security remains a significant concern. As the ecosystem grows, it becomes more susceptible to hacks and exploits. DeFi 3.0 aims to address these issues by focusing on improving security through better auditing processes, bug bounties, and insurance products.

Projects like Nexus Mutual and Cover Protocol are developing decentralized insurance solutions to protect users from potential losses resulting from smart contract vulnerabilities.

— User Experience and Education

User experience (UX) and education remain vital factors for the mainstream adoption of DeFi. DeFi 3.0 seeks to simplify complex processes and enhance the overall user experience, making it more accessible to a broader audience.

Efforts to improve UX include integrating user-friendly interfaces, developing comprehensive educational resources, and streamlining the onboarding process for new users. Projects like Zapper and Argent are already working on creating more intuitive DeFi interfaces to cater to non-technical users.

— Governance and Community Involvement

As DeFi continues to evolve, the role of decentralized governance and community involvement becomes increasingly important. DeFi 3.0 is expected to focus on refining governance models and incentivizing active participation from users.

Notable projects that emphasize community governance include:

  • Snapshot: A gasless, off-chain voting platform that allows DeFi projects to efficiently gather community input on proposals and governance decisions.
  • Colony: A platform for creating decentralized organizations with customizable governance structures, enabling projects to tailor governance models to their specific needs.

— Integration of Real-World Assets

DeFi 3.0 aims to bridge the gap between traditional finance and decentralized finance by integrating real-world assets into the ecosystem. Tokenizing physical assets like real estate, commodities, and intellectual property will expand DeFi's scope and unlock new use cases.

Projects at the forefront of this trend include:

  • Centrifuge: A protocol that enables users to tokenize real-world assets, such as invoices or real estate, and access DeFi liquidity by using these tokens as collateral for borrowing.
  • Tinlake: A platform built on top of Centrifuge that allows users to pool their tokenized assets and create collateralized debt positions (CDPs).

— Enhanced Risk Management

DeFi 3.0 is poised to introduce more sophisticated risk management tools to protect users from potential market downturns and losses. These tools will help users assess and manage risks associated with various DeFi platforms and strategies.

Some projects focusing on risk management in DeFi include:

  • Gauntlet: A simulation platform that uses on-chain data and economic modeling to stress test DeFi protocols and assess their vulnerability to various risks.
  • Risk Harbor: A decentralized risk management platform that enables users to create and trade customized insurance products to hedge against potential losses in DeFi investments.

— Infrastructure scalability

The DeFi 3.0 era is poised to address the critical issue of infrastructure scalability, leveraging technologies like zk-rollups, which enable offloading computation and storage from the main blockchain to a separate layer while maintaining privacy and security. Additionally, oracles play a vital role in the expansion of DeFi by providing accurate and reliable on-chain data feeds for various applications.

The emergence of advanced oracle solutions such as Chainlink, API3, DIA, Redstone, and Pragma ensures a more robust and decentralized data infrastructure, allowing DeFi platforms to build innovative products and services. Furthermore, hybrid models combining on-chain and off-chain solutions are gaining traction, as they offer improved performance without compromising security. This approach allows DeFi platforms to harness the benefits of both centralized and decentralized systems, striking a balance between efficiency, transparency, and security.


The ongoing transition from DeFi 2.0 to DeFi 3.0 is marked by a focus on security, privacy, composability, and ease of use. By addressing challenges such as security concerns, environmental sustainability, and user experience, DeFi 3.0 aims to create a more accessible, efficient, and sustainable financial ecosystem.

The integration of real-world assets, enhanced risk management, and decentralized storage solutions will further expand the scope and utility of DeFi. As the innovation cycle continues to unfold, the DeFi ecosystem is set to unlock new possibilities and redefine the future of finance.

About Swaap

Swaap is the first market-neutral Automated Market Maker (AMM). It leverages a combination of oracles and dynamic spread to provide sustainable yields for liquidity providers and cheaper prices to traders.

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