Girl In front of a camera creating a video resume
Share your professional Story & Showcase your skills

How Can I Create a Video Resume?

Sudev Das


Finding a job is a competitive activity, and job seekers always look for ways to stand out. Video resumes are a great way to demonstrate your technical capabilities and give potential employers a sense of your personality.

A 90-second video resume can help you get a job. And the best part is, it’s easy! With Swaayam we bring together seekers and employers in an unforgettable way so that they both benefit from this creative medium to showcase their worthiness during an interview or before recruiters altogether–whether online or off-)

With videos becoming easier than ever and accessible to anyone at any time; why not leverage them as much as possible?

There are many ways in which you can present your video resumes. It gives you the liberty to be as creative or simple as you like.

However, here are some personal tips that will help you make a better video.

  • Prepare a Script: Before recording your video resume, you should prepare what you plan to say. If you’re demonstrating a particular skill, you may want to outline the chronological steps you will display in the video, so you don’t forget anything. Write whatever you have to say during the video and learn it like a story. Rehearse before shooting. Do not just read out your resume.
  • Dress Professionally: You must have heard the phrase that “First impression is the last impression”. Dressing up professionally would give you self-confidence that will show up in your video while shooting and it will also prepare you to face personal interviews in person.
  • Lights, camera, action: Prepare a neutral background if you’re planning to sit in front of the camera to record your resume. Shoot the video in a room with abundant light and make sure the light is behind the camera focusing on you, not behind you or on either side. You don’t want the viewer distracted by any clutter or objects other than what you may be demonstrating in the video. Keep the device on which you are shooting the video steady or else the video will be a blur and wouldn’t appear professionally appealing at all. You don’t want the viewer distracted by any clutter or objects other than what you may be demonstrating in the video.
  • Look into the camera: Look into the camera while speaking, not on the ground. It makes your look more confident. Read your resume like a story, with pauses and different tones.
  • Background noises: Make sure that you shoot a video with a silent background or with the least noise. Noises add to the disturbance and wouldn’t let your voice be audible.
  • Posture: Posture is very important while making a video resume. Make sure that both your shoulders are visible and your face is also visible properly. Keep your spine straight if you are making the video while. If you are standing, make sure your head and body are straight. Body language has a remarkable impact on the way people will look at you.
  • Smile & Create magic: And at last, don’t forget to add a smile. Remember, a single smile goes a long way.

Shoot your video resume in any format you want to make it, creative and simple. Choose what’s best for YOU. You have the liberty to make it as pretty with style!

About Swaayam

Swaayam helps you create your Professional Video Profile and apply to jobs that are looking for real candidates and not just resumes. Swaayam is designed to enable candidates to really stand out in front of recruiters and showcase themselves.

Visit our website to get started with your profile.

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