Job Shorts: A New Dimension in Job Discovery!

Sudev Das
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2024

In today’s fast-moving digital world, people’s attention spans are getting shorter, especially among the younger generation. With so much information coming at us all the time because of new technology, studies show that young people’s attention spans have dropped from 12 seconds to just 8 seconds in less than 15 years. This trend brings some unique challenges, especially when it comes to finding and hiring people for jobs.

The Impact on Job Discovery:

The shorter attention spans are causing big changes in how we find and hire people for jobs. The traditional ways, like long job descriptions with lots of text, just don’t catch the interest of this group. This makes it hard for Organizations to get the attention of potential candidates.

Video content is getting more and more popular. Statistics suggest that over 85% of businesses are using videos for marketing. Online videos make up more than 82% of what people watch on the internet. And 81% of Gen Z prefers using video to learn about careers. Videos also make job postings 5 times more likely to get clicked on.

But, only 8% of Organisations are using video job descriptions right now.

Changing Behaviours in Job Discovery:

To keep up with these changes, Organisations need to change how they find people for jobs. There is a generational shift taking place and how Gen Z is discovering Jobs. We believe long, boring job descriptions are becoming uninteresting, so the need to use more exciting and visually interesting ways to show what jobs, companies and company culture are like, is becoming very important.

Advantages of #Job Shorts:

Engaging Visuals: Videos can grab people’s attention way better than just words on a page. Creating a video job description showcasing — culture, stories, and people and describing the role makes the Organization and the job role more interesting and immersive.

Showcasing Organization Culture: Video job descriptions let employers show their Organization’s culture, values, and work environment in a dynamic and real way. This helps job seekers get a better idea of what the Organization is like and decide if they’d fit in well.

The Power of Distribution: Putting video job descriptions on social media and video platforms helps them reach a lot more people. This way, Organizations can connect with a bigger audience and attract potential job seekers who might not have seen the job using traditional methods.

Interactive Elements: Adding things like clickable links, quizzes, or virtual tours into video job descriptions gets a job seeker more involved. This keeps them interested and makes the experience more fun.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: Video job descriptions can be made to work for all kinds of people and their needs. The use of regional languages in the Job shorts makes it more inclusive for people across different locations. Adding things like subtitles, sign language interpretation, or different formats makes sure everyone can access the information. It makes JobShort more inclusive and diverse.

Job Shorts are a game-changer for Organizations looking to attract and engage Gen Zs and beyond. By using this approach, job discovery becomes more accessible and appealing in our rapidly changing digital world. The Video job descriptions not only capture attention but also build stronger connections between Organizations and talent in today’s digital landscape!

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