Get Ready, Get Set, Swace! Three Upcoming Games to Launch

Ehab Abaideen
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2021

It has been a while since we have submitted Swace App for public Beta release. We detected issues and fixed several bugs and now, we’re here to say, we’re a few miles away. Swace app Beta is going public in the next week or so. As soon as it is approved by the hosting application stores.

Swace App launching soon with three games

The Journey

Swace takes what we’re used to, and expands it to what we should get used to. Never has come a time for great news like this moment. Our hard work will be finally in so many hands that will experience Swace, although in Beta and will not be as clean as the first stable release to come later.

After several years, it would have been easier to leave it, go focus on something else, follow the trend and do something easier to implement and more familiar to people. We never left the project because of these moments.

Our drive comes from knowing we will serve all users and make their online experiences better and more satisfying. We know how it works, a brand finds an influencer to promote their message, and you consume it. The brand wins, the influencer wins, but you don’t. You lost time and won nothing.

Swace is about changing this to allow everyone, influencer or NOT, to be rewarded for engaging with branded messages. Earn crypto tokens by playing social games on Swace. The games are designed to fit in your lifestyle, you do what you do, but now, get rewarded.

Play Social games with your friends. Connect, explore and earn

Three Swace Social Games

Now that Swace app is around the corner, we are excited to share with you some highlights about the upcoming games that will be launched by us during the Beta release, so you earn even on a Beta app. Crazy, huh? We are!

I am a Swacer!

The first game, titled I am a Swacer! will be our introductory game to get you familiar with the app.

The game is designed for those with Swagger and Grace to express themselves in the best way possible and earn online.

Swacer of the City!

Our second game. Be the discoverer of your city! Show off the best places in your city and enjoy it as you play the game to win. That’s how fluent the games are. It’s your simple day.

I am an NFT Artist

The third game is for all the creatives out there who want to create their best NFT art based on their favorite brands or lifestyle. Get your art listed on exclusive NFT collections via Swace.

The three upcoming games are only the beginning of what Swace is and what Swace will be. After releasing the first stable app release, we will enable further features such as augmented reality (AR) or location-based games that will be outstanding for you to enjoy and for brands to stand out. We are also working on more features, you can check our roadmap.

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Ehab Abaideen
Editor for

Communication professional with a degree in contemporary communication and 8+ years of work experience in different fields and industries.