Integrating with Bancor

Published in
1 min readJun 5, 2018
Swace + Bancor = benefits for users

We have said before that the Swace Dapp will face several technological challenges. One of these was assuring continuous liquidity for the Swace token. In order for the Swace Exchange to work properly, we needed to offer the users easy, cost-efficient token conversion, independent of other buyers and sellers.

Fortunately, Bancor has an excellent solution for this challenge. It is a decentralized liquidity network whose protocol involves a cryptocurrency standard called Smart Tokens™. This is compatible with all ERC20 tokens (such as SWA) and solves the issue of continuous liquidity with elegance and ease.

To let Bancor speak for themselves,

“The magic is in the math, with a simple formula balancing buys and sells so that every token in the network maintains a formulaic relationship to others. The result is continuous liquidity regardless of trade volume or exchange listings.”

We at Swace are very excited to have our tokens adopt the Bancor Protocol and believe that this solution will take our product to the next level. Ask us about this integration on Telegram or at, or come see us in person this week at TechCrunch’s event in Tel Aviv!



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Swace is a new challenge-based app which will change the way users and brands interact.