Let UGC Work for Your Business — Swace

Let UGC Work for Your Business

Ehab Abaideen
3 min readNov 5, 2021


  • User-Generated Content (UGC) is one of the keys to increasing brand awareness of your business in 2022.
  • Authentic UGC brings more credibility and trust towards your business and products.
  • 86 percent of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support.
  • Everyone is a content creator. You don’t have to rely on expensive influencers to get your UGC working for your business.

Why Should You Care About UGC?

A Stackla report investigating the influence of UGC on brand awareness and consumer actions found great results in support of why you should utilize UGC to work for you.

A couple of these findings are that

“60 percent of consumers consider UGC to be the most authentic type of content — much above branded, influencer, and stock photography content. 56 percent of Millennials have decided to eat at a restaurant because of a friend’s post on social media”

What Does That Mean For You?

Sadly, most people are viewing branded content as unauthentic and driven by sales objectives. While it is true and every business needs to increase sales, consumers can feel that and as a result think of your content as unauthentic. For that reason, the hottest marketing trend in the past few years and continues now and in the foreseeable future is Micro-Influencer Marketing and Affiliate Marketing.

But…. Micro-Influencers Are Often Too Expensive For My Small Business…

We see this problem often. It’s not that micro-influencers are greedy and demanding more than they deserve. No. They work very hard to grow an audience and build trust, etc.

But if you have a small or medium-sized business and still find it too expensive for right now, you should consider your own audience to be your affiliates, influencers and ambassadors.

How To Turn Your Audience Into Your Influencers?

While there are many ways to increase engagement and allow your audience to share your messages authentically like hashtags, contests, storytelling, etc. Most of these methods are manual and take a lot of efforts.

Swace entered the market to solve as many of these issues we see above. Swace is a social medium where you share content and grow your audience and nurture them, but instead of the same old ads, you can create social engagement campaigns that are way more engaging and generate UGC for your brand.

Use Swace to Generate UGC From Your Fans and Audiences.

How Does That Work?

  • Create a business account. (Coming soon)
  • Choose a campaign type (more about that below).
  • Choose the audience and target.
  • They find the campaign and participate to promote your message.
  • They earn crypto tokens $SWACE.
  • You get new UGC for your brand coming directly from your audience.

Campaign Types

  • Action-Based; ask your audience to go to specific location, if you own a cafe, go to the cafe and take a photo or a video of them taking an action and upload it.
  • Location-Based (coming soon); Send your audience on a journey say around a specified city(ies) and take photos, videos or locate specific AR or or otherwise physical objects.
  • AR-Based (coming soon); Place Augmented Reality objects in space in certain locations or simply in any location where the participant may be, ask your audience to place these objects in creative settings in their homes or other locations and share these videos or photos.

While the above is a brief explanation and examples, a lot more is possible and most importantly; Swace is TOTALLY FLEXIBLE. You decide your budget and how much you would like to reward your audience and how many participants you want to be able to enter.

Engage with your audience with Swace Social Engagement Campaigns.

Interested to learn more?

Write us at swace@swace.io or come say hi on Social Media:



Ehab Abaideen

Communication professional with a degree in contemporary communication and 8+ years of work experience in different fields and industries.