What is Swace?

Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2018

It is possible that if you are reading this, you have already heard a little bit about Swace. But we’d like to tell you about it anyway, because really, there are several answers to the question of what Swace is.

It’s an app

Okay, this is the part you may already have heard. Swace is a new platform for mobile devices. It is built on blockchain and photography. In other words, it is an app in which users perform challenges centered around taking photos according to given criteria (such as being in a particular place, posing with a certain item, performing some action or other), and for this they can receive prizes. They can also earn Swace tokens, which are the game’s own currency, used to buy into new challenges, exchange for real prizes, give to other users they like, and more.

It’s a new way for users and brands to interact

The good thing about the Swace challenges is that they are ready for anyone’s use. That means that any brand looking for meaningful user engagement can set a challenge and cause many users to interact with it in a fun way. Everything is automated, and the brand only needs to create content and offer a prize. For the duration of the challenge, the brand remains on the user’s mind, using habit formation principles to form loyalty and a firm association with fun and new activities.

It’s a lifestyle change

The fun and new activities mentioned above, we hope, will enable people to bring some variety and excitement into their lives, and give them an option other than their usual routine. People tend to have patterns to which they stick not necessarily because they’re good, but because they’re familiar. The challenges will hopefully shake them out of those patterns. For example, if they like a certain chain of coffee shops but always only go to one location, they will be encouraged to visit more shops around town and get off their beaten path. If they normally take selfies alone, they may be asked to submit photos with more people in them, and therefore socialize.

It’s a community

The people of Swace are called Swacers, and they are marked by character traits that develop as they participate in challenges more: a love for adventure, a cheerful, fun-seeking outlook, readiness and even desire to change, grow, challenge themselves more and more, and especially curiosity for life and whatever it brings tomorrow. We are trying to make the Swacers’ lives more interesting, and they are ready for anything we throw at them.

It’s a set of values

We at Swace set much store by the values with which we built the app and are building the community around it. We believe in transparency (hence our choice of blockchain technology), in fair partnership (which is why we are trying to work with the best of the best in every field and to give credit where it’s due), in enriching the lives of our users (see above) and in valuing each and every individual involved, be they a team member, an advisor, a contributor or a user.

It’s an awesome team

Speaking of individuals, did you know that the team behind Swace lives on all five continents, if you include our amazing advisors? We believe that this international, multilingual, multicultural group can move mountains, and we are doing so in order to create the best possible product and experience for you, the reader. It’s up to you whether you wish to come on board as a user, a contributor, a brand marketer, or maybe even a new team member, but we will definitely be happy to have you.

It’s found in these places:






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Swace is a new challenge-based app which will change the way users and brands interact. http://swace.io