Swadharma Impact Study Findings 2: Inner Discovery

Swadharma Auroville
5 min readAug 10, 2020

This post is a part of the reporting of findings from the Swadharma Impact Study. Read the previous post for context.


The findings have been distributed in 4 sections:

  1. Snapshot
  2. Inner Discovery
  3. Outer Manifestation
  4. Community

The general format of the presentation of findings is the finding followed by insight or significance if any. This post contains the inner discovery section.

Inner Discovery

  1. Inner shifts
  2. Reconnected with an existing hobby
  3. Discovered a gift through Swadharma

Inner Shifts

The discovery of the inner self is a gradual layered process to arrive at the core of the being, like peeling the layers of an onion. Swadharma aims at supporting/initiating that process for those who have a seeking. The shifts we captured from the responses reflect a shift in self-awareness, i.e., distinguishing between the various parts of being and getting in touch with the presence of the inner guide revealing one’s potential and purpose. This opens the doors of intuition and inspiration setting in motion self-directed work in harmony with one’s own nature in a progressive manner.

The inverse of the shifts translates into degeneration of the being, and the shifts lead the individual on the path of regeneration and connection. The aspect of connection with self and others, self-care, and self-awareness reflect as the strongest points of impact of the programme resulting in a variety of shifts across different aspects of an individual’s life. The journey is a cumulation of several shifts over a period of time, moving from peak to higher peak. Below is a detailed list of the inner shifts as captured from the responses validating something of the inner material gets touched through the Swadharma journey and has a substantial resilience as the shifts continue to reflect even after 2 years.

Inner shifts through Swadharma

Reconnected with an existing hobby

Reconnected with an existing hobby

We encourage our participants to look for things that make them come alive, we encourage them to drop the idea, but how would I make a career out of it? The premise is we all have unique inborn gifts, things that bring us delight and make us experience a state of flow, some we’ve already experienced while others are lying dormant, yet to manifest. It could be things like playing football, singing, painting, poetry, tending to plants, things that put us into a state of flow, and allow us to really experience the moment without overthinking. Over time, as we grow up and life takes over, and partly by the design of our social context which doesn’t particularly encourage the unique in the individual but levies its agenda on their growth, these things get left behind.

Via active reflection and enabling a safe space we encourage our participants to access the flow state by means of several activities like talking to the inner child, reflecting on experiences that have made them come alive in the past, sharing circles, experiential workshops, and an overall healthy environment. Such moments allow the learner to create windows that can penetrate the mental and emotional blocks and bring forth the experience of flow. Additionally, we encourage them to recognise the value of these experiences which acts as a natural anchor to revisit these things. We also support them with modules like habit-building that can help integrate these practices into their lives. Hobbies help unwind and relax and are a great act of self-care.

Hobbies help unwind and relax and are a great act of self-care

34 of the 41 respondents reconnected with an existing hobby through Swadharma, hence, this is a very positive indicator. The most recurring hobbies reconnected to include writing, poetry, art, painting, music, cycling, reading, yoga, dancing, etc.

Discovered a gift through Swadharma

Discovered a gift through Swadharma

Since we’ve already built the case above, we all have in us unique inborn gifts some of which we haven’t yet realised. The faculty’s experience and peer support & sharing encourage natural capacities in individuals to come forth. Our philosophy is to encourage the positive, it helps the learner become aware of the pattern in their positives which they otherwise think of as ordinary, more often than not. The programme offers a diverse set of opportunities for natural strengths to show up like weekly presentations, group responsibilities, recognising values, soul forces, active listening, and supporting each other, one-on-one conversations with the faculty. The participants are also required to take up a 10-day long project where they work on manifesting an idea that inspires them, which acts as a great means for some of them to discover their unique interests/strengths in the process. Some of the responses we received are very unique, below are a few from a list of many.

The ability to visualize in great depth, I thought it was common.

Doodling can be used for anything. You can listen when you doodle hence you have deeper conversations with people. I have a gift to sort problems by doodling. It’s like a mental massage.

Through Swadharma, I discovered that I have a fair ability to communicate verbally. This was mainly because of the weekly presentations we had during Swadharma. I also feel like I discovered that I’m more of a people’s person. I wasn’t aware of this fondness for people before.

Strength type, Photography, Connecting with people

Thanks to the mentors and friends at Auroville, I know that I understand emotions on a very deep level. I have a high level of maturity, and I am extremely sensitive, which can be both good and bad, depending on the situation. Simplicity is one of my biggest values, in all aspects of my life, including graphic design :)

Manoj once told me, when we were sitting at the Visitors’ Centre, that I have a very good ability to handle Life’s challenges, whatever they may be. These are words I will never forget, and they always come to mind when I’m stuck.

I became more confident in my ability to communicate ideas and stories, and that I can actually bond with others more deeply than I thought.

Swadharma has made me a little more independent and open-minded.

36 of 44 respondents said they discovered an inner gift through Swadharma.

In the upcoming posts, we will talk about the outer manifestations section from the study consisting of insights such as divergence in work, practices, challenges, and more.



Swadharma Auroville

Transformative Educational Programmes from Auroville to the World