Swae CEO Invited to the Council of Europe’s World Forum for Democracy Panel: Can Democracy Save the Environment?

Natalie Viglione
Published in
5 min readAug 6, 2021

Soushiant Zanganehpour, Founder & CEO of Swae, has been invited to speak at the Council of Europe’s Forum Talk on Wednesday, 11 August, 4.30 to 6 PM CEST.

This Forum panel will bring together CEOs, researchers, and policy experts, including Swae’s very own Soushiant, to analyze dimensions of the relationship between global environmental challenges, technology, and democracy. Soushiant will be providing context as to how technology can support and help true democracy in various ways.

This initiative benefits from the High Patronage of Mr. Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic.

This Panel is part of a yearlong campaign to answer one big question:

“Can Democracy Save the Environment?”

The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading human rights organization.


We welcome all to join as it will be streamed online Wednesday, 11 August, 4.30 to 6 PM CEST, please click the link below to watch the discussion: CLICK HERE TO JOIN!

Panel Description

The unprecedented global ecological challenges posed by climate change and biodiversity loss, among others, raise a range of compelling questions about the intersections between these challenges, the uses and application of current and emerging technology, and the ability of democracies around the world to react effectively to these crises.

On the one hand, current and emerging technology present compelling new solutions to enable better collective responses to the climate and related ecological challenges¾for example, through new systems using the latest technologies to ensure global transparency on GHG emissions and climate action, as well as software and open online viewing platforms to develop and track climate action targets at various levels of governance. More, tailored software, using AI technology, may be used to engage citizens and enhance democratic decision-making around the world in connection with the unprecedented global climate and ecological challenges, as some governments strive to ensure maximal citizen engagement in and commitment to the significant economic and social changes that may be required for required climate/environmental action.

On the other side of the coin, there is currently a transnational problem — threatening, potentially, to undermine the foundations of democracy itself — of technologically-enabled misinformation, disrupting climate action and reducing the capacities of democracies to respond to urgent environmental challenges. How might democracies respond and safeguard vital (global) information ecosystem integrity and ensure citizens around the world get high-quality information on ecological challenges?


About the World Forum for Democracy Talks

The Forum Talk is part of the yearlong campaign: “12 months, 1 Question — Can Democracy Save the Environment?” August will be dedicated to “Technology, the environment and democracy” and a different theme will be addressed each month until November 2021, when we plan to hold a 3 day World Forum gathering to take place in Strasbourg — the largest democracy-focused gathering of its kind.

The World Forum for Democracy is a unique platform for political decision-makers and activists to debate solutions to key challenges for democracies worldwide. By identifying and analyzing experimental initiatives and practices, the Forum highlights and encourages democracy innovations at the grassroots and their transfer on a systemic level, in order to strengthen the foundations of democratic societies.

The Global Governance Forum seeks to promote more effective global governance to achieve unprecedented measures of shared prosperity, health, education, peace and justice, and to safeguard the planetary systems on which we all rely.

More Details

The event is organized by the Council of Europe’s World Forum for Democracy in collaboration with the Global Governance Forum and Leiden University, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, and will consist of presentations from the invited experts followed by an interactive discussion and Q&A with participants.


  • Maja GROFF International Lawyer and Convenor of the Climate Governance Commission, Netherlands


  • Amy EAGLESTONE Democracy-Building Expert and Policy Advisor to the Chair of the Dutch Climate Council, Netherlands
  • Dr. Herb LIN Senior Research Scholar at the Center for International Security and Cooperation and Hank J. Holland Fellow in Cyber Policy and Security, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
  • Gavin Mc CORMICK Executive Director (WattTime) and Electricity Lead (Climate TRACE)
  • Tomer SHALIT CPO and Founder of ClimateView
  • Soushiant ZANGANEHPOUR Founder, CEO at Swae.io

Soushiant Zanganehpour’s Bio

Soushiant is a social scientist and entrepreneur. His career spans the fields of policy making, management consulting, and entrepreneurship, with a focus on businesses creating positive social and environmental impact. He is currently the founder and CEO of Swae, a bottom-up idea management and decision-making platform powered by AI.

Swae helps companies, cities, and organizations of all sizes benefit from the collective intelligence of their employees, stakeholders, and citizens helping source innovative ideas, feedback, and policy, and strategy suggestions, at a fraction of the cost.

in 2018, The Global Challenges Foundation in Sweden awarded Soushiant and Swae the New Shape Prize (a $600K USD grant, amongst 14,000 applicants) for having a unique and innovative solution to fundamentally upgrade democracy and improve global governance, decision-making, and our democratic institutions to be 21st-century compatible.

Prior to Swae, Soushiant lived in London, UK and was the Head of Strategy and Operations for the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, at The University of Oxford.

He is a recognized practitioner in the fields of business innovation, impact investing, social entrepreneurship, and business sustainability having spoken at numerous international conferences and written for The Guardian, The Financial Times, Bloomberg Business Week, and Entrepreneur magazines. He is on Harvard Business Review Advisory Council and on MIT Technology Review Global Review Panel.

Soushiant earned his Bachelors (BA) in Political Science and International Relations from the University of British Columbia, a Diplôme in International Affairs from Sciences-po Paris, a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) from the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), and a Graduate Degree from Singularity University’s Global Solutions Program. He was awarded a Google Scholarship to attend Singularity University, and a full scholarship by the UK’s Foreign Office as one of four Canadian Chevening Scholars for his Masters.


We welcome all to join as it will be streamed online Wednesday, 11 August, 4.30 to 6 PM CEST, please click the link below to watch the discussion: CLICK HERE TO JOIN!



Natalie Viglione
Editor for

Oracle of Original Creation, Primordial Wisdom Story Keeper, Vibration Medicine Guide & Sacred Soul Path Illuminator.