Top 7 Key Features for Enterprise Mobility App You Should Consider in 2019

Swag Soft
Swag Soft
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2019

Did you know that cellphones already outnumber the world’s population ? Today mobility transforms the way we learn, shop, bank, work, and make decisions. We’re able to access all kinds of smart products and services, connected to the Internet. The mobility revolution knocks on the door. But is enterprise-ready for it?

The traditional model of “going to work” will soon be a thing of the past. Full-time employees are slowly being replaced by freelancers and service providers. Despite all the changes, one thing remains constant: the personal mobile device.

Many of the only interactions of employees with company systems are exactly mobile. Actually, this offers a great opportunity for organizations. A solid mobile infrastructure increases the engagement and productivity of employees.

There are plenty of options provided by mobile app developers when it comes to mobile solutions. However, we’re going to have a look at some key features for enterprise mobility apps you should consider in 2019.

Native Frameworks

Natively built apps are the best way to leverage the capabilities of mobile devices. Most of the top mobile apps are native as well.

Web apps are less expensive to develop, but they can’t keep up with the latest generations of operating systems’ features. As they continue to improve, the gap between web and native apps widens more and more. Working with native frameworks, your mobile app development team can provide your enterprise with the highest quality mobile app that can keep you among the leaders.

Define Your Business Goals and Outcomes

The majority of organizations jump right into implementing mobility plans, before actually thinking of the desired outcomes. They want to support different devices, without understanding what the company wants to achieve by using them.

Consider your goals and outcomes before building an enterprise mobile strategy. Think of the ways your customers and employees interact with your business and consume your core products and services. Also what are the new opportunities you get by implementing your mobility strategy and how can you capitalize on them. Do you have to upgrade your infrastructure in order to deliver the right experience to your employees and customers?

You need to consider all these things and plan your enterprise mobile app before implementing it in your business model.

Balance Security with UX

Mobile devices are built around the main thing consumers look for — convenience. Mobile security shouldn’t infringe the intuitive US of the mobile platform. Otherwise, people may choose not to use your mobile service or even find insecure ways to cope with the issue.

Implementing strong security while retaining an optimum user experience is a must. Geo-location services, for example, are one great solution. They can allow access depending on where the device is located. That way when the app is used within the company’s facility accessing it would be way easier.

Of course, security is most important, but you have to think about convenience as well and how can you improve the UX so employees enjoy working with your enterprise app.

Rich Notifications

Usually, user interactions are based on reactions like answering questions, confirming the meeting or approving requests. By initiating these actions users actually follow the organization’s rules.

For that reason, your mobile strategy can benefit by turning these tasks into notification-like activities. You can push these requests directly to a user, so he can take quick action. The enterprise’s mobile platform should tailor notifications and interactions to individuals within it, based on geography, role, and other factors.

Fast Time to Value

Your mobile platform should be really fast at every level. Of course, solution performance in mandatory, but you want it to be agile and bring changes to you as well. In order to be successful, you have to deliver value in a short period. In any other case, your IT team will be under pressure.

A Unified User Experience

When providing mobile enterprise software to your employees, you’re competing for their attention. Internal apps should be as simple as consumer apps. If you want to be sure that your employees will adopt the mobile software, you have to provide an intuitive, simple and unified user experience.

Keep in mind that this does not only take place on smartphones anymore. It should extend to wearables and provide the same UX. This will allow simplicity and consistently, no matter what device employees are using.

Check out these essential mobile you need to track for better engagement.

Back-End Integration

Your enterprise platform requires strong ties to your back-end systems like Microsoft, for instance. Poor understanding of business processes is a huge risk factor in implementing an effective mobile strategy.

Pay close attention to the mobile solution provider’s back-end experience, as he could simply build some basic test integrations. Integration of systems is one of the main cost-driven factors in mobile projects.

Wrapping Up

Today mobility is transforming the way we live. Enterprise mobility technology has been on focus for IT investment companies for a while now. Companies need to rethink their key services for a seamless mobile experience. Work is slowly blending with people’s lives, so you need to address this emergently in order to stay relevant. Mobile devices are now key to employees productivity.

Originally published at on July 20, 2019.



Swag Soft
Swag Soft

Leading programming house in Singapore. App development, game development, VR/AR development, iBeacon technology.