Presentations Day #1

Winter 2021

Allan Lei
Feb 24, 2022


不久之前,RD的夥伴們完成了一場精彩絕倫的分享! 這次有四位同仁分享覺得有趣的主題,分別為:

  • Lego CI/CD with github action
  • The wet codebase
  • Enlarge eyes by Apple face detection and Metal shader
  • Smooth skin principle and implementation


Enlarge eyes by Apple face detection and Metal shader

  • Introduce Metal and compare to OpenGL ES
  • Introduce Vision
  • Enlarge eyes algorithm

Smooth skin principle and implementation

本篇介紹 GPUImage 中一個常用的美肌濾鏡,並深入解釋其中使用高斯模糊濾鏡的原因及原理。

  • Overview of filter pipeline
  • Box blur vs. Gaussian blur and how to implement with shader
  • Why Gaussian blur is suitable for smooth skin (fourier transform, low-pass filter)
  • Filter pipeline principle summary
  • Direction to improve performance and combine with face detection

Lego CI/CD with Github Actions

Using features on Github (Github Action, Github App, Github Deployment) implement a GitOps flow which make application developer and DevOps engineer cowork with each other easier, and how this flow improve the development experience.

