We Need to Talk About Mugs

Allison Netzer
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2022

What’s Swag Rules?

A framework for creating momentum with any brand.

Here’s the Swag Rules framework:

· Foster creativity — in my organization, we have bi-weekly show-and-tell sessions where you can bring anything cool that you have seen, experienced or heard about. It’s not about swag, but it gets creativity flowing org-wide.

· Develop the right mindset — swag isn’t about how you can mobilize a bunch of things to be mailed. I think about swag as showing gratitude. How can I show gratitude to this person or group for what they mean to me and to the company?

· Start small — As with any investment, we test and learn. This usually means starting with something 1:1 versus 1:many and getting feedback on it as we would any product.

· Support the story — it’s essential that what you send out into the world, whatever form it takes, supports your brand story. This is the main reason why you can build brand momentum without having to major on corporate items.

Ok — It’s Mug Time.

Like most of us, I love a good coffee mug.

If you plan to hand or send out mugs, even if they are from a high-end brand, there is an opportunity to take it to the next level by tuning into a few things.

Let’s start with placement. The majority of people are right-handed. And the majority of custom mugs print such that it faces inward when you are drinking with your right hand.

Don’t believe me? Go to your cabinet and give it a try!

This is such a missed opportunity, especially on Zoom calls, so taking the time to work with a true custom printer and righting this wrong (get it?) is powerful — and requires you to be more creative about that super visible mug design!

Bonus Rant — Tumblers

No one I know practices the Swag Rules more than my colleague, Cassie LeBlanc. With her permission, I am including her tumbler rant….

I hate when people use the generic metal tumblers.

We love the elemental tumblers we ship frequently at Nymbus and highly recommend Live Elemental — people want beautiful things from companies that exist for a higher purpose than slinging logo-ware, especially when office and home are merged.

Growing up Seth and Vinh saw the fundamental need for water from two different perspectives. Seth, born in the Midwest, saw water as plentiful resource needed for agriculture. Vinh grew up in Vietnam where clean drinking water was scarce.

Things like elegant lines, bamboo lids and other details make a difference and show the thought and effort they and you put into the process.

And, LE is on par with the mid-price range tumblers (a lot of our orders have been $9 and remain the most popular) and their drinkables are half the cost of big name brands.

So, the lesson here is:

  • Do the research
  • Support your story by working with those who have a powerful story
  • Show gratitude by selecting well-designed items worth of the recipient

This Post Seems Like Overkill (It Is)

And that’s why it’s an example of the Swag Rules Framework in action.

Creativity, gratitude, gleaning ideas from conversations vs. catalogs and starting small are what you can bring to bear in any swag decision to create momentum rather than a mailing.

What’s Next?

I want to talk about the importance of keeping your cutting room floor so follow me here or on LinkedIn for more.



Allison Netzer

Hi! I am a CMO by day and a writer by night. Swag Rules is a passion project to help people build the business case for great swag.